You shouldn't pick on scholar he got his degree from the awake so you know it's the genuine thingy!
607, 607, 607
by Pole 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
On the seventh day, God rested, and called all he made "good". How, then, can any God-created year be considered evil? Does one year have greater sanctity than the rest? Inquiring minds need to know.
This simple yet explicitly detailed explanation by Alley Mom has always been my favorite. It is irrefuteable.
Just start with Nabonidus, the last Babylonian king, and work backward.
Just start with Nabonidus, the last Babylonian king, and work backward.
Robhic, I agree, she did a great job. Ive asked Neil in many threads to make the "neo-kings list work, as always never an answer.
Forget who wrote what about this or that, the simple way to refute 607 is ask the un-answerable question; make the kings list work.
At this point it appears strange that a person that calls himself a scholar and a Jw can honestly rest in what the non-scholarly WT dishes out.
Scholar, Start at 539 BCE for the fall of Babylon, a date Watchtower Society accepts, it's easy to see Jerusalem was laid desolate in 587. Watchtower Society agrees with History on the last Kings to rule. Nabonidus ruled 17 years so count up to 17 years and it is 556, Neriglissar ruled 4 years so that would be 560. Evil-Merodach 2 years that would be 562, and Neb. ruled 43 years and that would be 605. At Second Kings 25:8 Neb. laid siege to Jerusalem in his nineteenth year as King. That would be 587. So easy to see for those who want the truth.
Oh man, I soooooo want to call that number, just to see if it works..
demonic dates
Godless raisins! Blasphemous sultanas! Exit this poor man now!
And immediately a mixed crowd of 607 sultanas and raisins came out of him and entered a heard of PHD's who were lazily chewing their curriculum, and they ran headlong into Bloomingdales and falling over the first floor balcony they expired in the midst of the bargain books.
the demonic dates of 586 or 587 advanced by apostates who formerly believed and taught the significance of that year.Such people have no credibility as they are like the blind following the blind.
HOW DARE YOU SCHOLAR SAY THAT YEARS GIVEN TO US BY JEHOVAH ARE DEMONIC - you really have gone down in my estimation
Oh man, I soooooo want to call that number, just to see if it works..
I called it and a man answered from Bethel at the front desk and just laughed at me and said......SUCKEEEEEEEER! Gumby ~ of the I hate smartarses class