So you CAN be df'ed, even if inactive for months or years!!!!!!!!

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 25 Replies latest social current

  • IP_SEC

    We have a couple in our territory that joined another church after about 20 years of being inactive. Maybe 3 families in the hall know them. The CO says just leave them alone cuz df wouldnt serve any purpose but to embaress them, add insult to injury.

    Another family has been inactive about 15 years, the dad goes to nudie bars and is mean to his wife, but very few ppl know they were ever witnesses. So they are left alone.

    Heh dont seem fair that I can talk to the apostates that joined the other church, but not my sister who's been married 5 years to the guy she was df for just because the congo didnt take action on them. *Dr. Evil finger quotes on action*


  • bisous
    My mother pushed the issue as soon as she found out I had moved in with a guy. She is the one that hounded the elders. I probably would have been left alone because no one even knew where I was.


  • gumby
    My mother pushed the issue as soon as she found out I had moved in with a guy. She is the one that hounded the elders. I probably would have been left alone because no one even knew where I was.

    So, I don't think it was causing a stir among the congregation at all.

    Ticklepinkenstein.......your elders were dipshits! Nobody knew you and they DFed you? Was this your OWN congregation you were associated with that DFed you? You may have won an appeal if 5 years had passed and you were a stranger to fellow dubs.

    Strange isn't close family or friends just love to turn your ass in when they can. My son-in-law busted me at least 3 times for chewing tobacco.......little bastard! get to hang out with your Elder pappy-in-law? Your lucky.


  • mkr32208
    The dear man had trouble comming to grips with the fact that no one really influenced my thinking but me.

    Isnt' it funny how the borg responds to this stuff? I have been out for a while now but I still have to deal with this stupidity! My wife can accept that I can write a twenty five page report for my college classes with bibliography and sorces and get a grade of 98%, but if I say "look at this passage in the bible I just read" then she says YOU'VE BEEN TALKING TO THOSE GD APOSTATES AGAIN HAVEN'T YOU! I guess I'm just to stupid to READ a book...

  • Gretchen956
    If a sufficient time has passed, and if the person is no longer recognised by the community or fellow witnesess as being one of Jehovahs Witnesses, then there is no need to take action.

    This is not always true. I personally know of two cases where the person was out over ten years and lived in completely different towns. (In totally different parts of the country.) The elders tracked them down through questions to unsuspecting relatives and tried to weasel disfellowshipping information out of them. In one case the guy was disfellowshipped even though he didn't give them any information at all.

    No offense was done in the town the congregation was located in that they formerly attended all those years ago. No one in their current town even knew that they had ever BEEN JWs. One has to wonder about the two witness rule or what the DF was based on.

    So there are certain elders with vendettas or certain relatives in some cases.


  • wannaexit
    'Isn't it a shame your mum is going to die at Armageddon?'

    This is sick!

  • Forscher

    "I can write a twenty five page report for my college classes with bibliography and sorces and get a grade of 98%."

  • gumby
    This is not always true

    Sherry. That is true with any judicial action. Elder bodies and their decisions differ all the time from one hall to the next. What I stated was the policy.....not what is ALWAYS followed.


  • Gretchen956

    Thank you oh wise gumbmeister. I knew that and I think we're splitting hairs. I meant to say it isn't always true in it's interpretation.

    Have a cookie!Cookies 3


  • FlyingHighNow
    My son-in-law busted me at least 3 times for chewing tobacco.......little bastard!

    Ha ha ha ha ha haha, Gumby! You are making my face hurt from smiling. How could I have ever guessed you were dfd for chaw?

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