Oh crap! Another minimus! . . . . . . . . . . What color of spandex did you like as a witness?
by wanderlustguy 13 Replies latest jw friends
Oh crap! Another minimus! . . . . . . . . . . What color of spandex did you like as a witness?
Welcome means saying hello and meaning it
Welcome !
I came here and 'lurked for a couple of months, then finally got up enough nerve to post...a year ago this month. Even tho' I had been inactive for a couple of years...the dyed in the wool belief that JW's are indoctrinated with is a very big obstacle in our brains. The brainwashing is so strong that we "have no where else to go..." and "if we DO go to an apostate site " some BAD will happen". I half expected a demonz to jump into the back of my neck!
It is hard to believe I was so naive..(hey, that rhymes)
The welcome I go was very warm and they were patient with my 'scary newbieness'. My welcome and the posts I read, made me know that the crises I was in at the time, was actually well experienced by MANY people. That was sad, too.
But, I knew now, I was not alone in that 'debris field' of post-war with the WTS.
Other people were there...walking around stunned & shunned like me. Then there were the kindly Medics, leading us out away from the landmines. They started bandaging us and telling us, "you'll be OK...really".
Things ARE better, not great, but, better,
Thanks to all, Rabbit
Welcome again.
Glad you are here!