Meaning of LIMBO
by limbo 23 Replies latest jw friends
Damn, now thats Hottttttttt!!!!
Welcome to Limbo club, where you can talk about serious issues, have a bit of fun and learn to move on. Call it the grieving process and how better to do it but in fine company with people who understand you and WONT judge you
Welcome, Limbo.
Yeah, I felt a little like Dorothy when she first stepped into OZ too. It get's better with time and new friends.
NEO----------I LUV IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome Limbo!
n] the state of being disregarded or forgotten
I await your name change to Unlimbo after you've figured it all out.
I'm sorry you feel forgotten and rejected Limbo, I can well assure you that you are not the only person who felt the lack of friendship or compansionship in that space between leaving and starting something new. There is a moment in time when a spaceship upon re-entry loses all contact with ground control and becomes encassed in fire. You are undergoing something similar, its a moment of rebirth, a refining of customs and social standards, a re-learning of things. I hope this place helps you out in some way....
Welcome to the point of re-entry Limbo
- Preston
Ground control to Major Preston!!! Awaiting Landing Instructions.
Welcome Limbo, and yes how low can you go??????
I think quite a few people have felt like they've live in limbo. the uncertainity of ones life as what to do.
Where do you turn?. That half way place between ecstacy and sheer hell. I can assure you that it is possible to become a very happy and a well balanced person. Afraid of nothing. Nor what people say. You will find much friendship here. So this fatcat is saying to you Welcome. and enjoy lives new adventure. It will be the thrill of your lifetime..
Love Orangefatcat.