JWs are convinced they alone have the truth. They are scripturally trained to prove to others why they are "in the truth". From your vantage point, how can you show this is untrue???
PROVE That Jehovah's Witnesses DON'T Have The Truth
by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends
If I had some pictures of some headstones of ones who have died for this religion...I'd show ya. That should be enough proof.
PROVE That Jehovah's Witnesses DON'T Have The Truth
I choose not to fall into that trap. The claims the dubs make (and let's be honest, we all did it) are so spectacular that I simply turn the question around; 'Prove that Jehovah's Witnesses DO have the Truth'.
Nico, they will "prove" it. You gotta do one up on them.
The truth is made up of many truths.
They have a few truths right and a few wrong, like other religions do.
You can't look for ONE flaw in a religion and label it FALSE.
So JH, maybe the Witnesses do have the truth?
I'd need to hear what the individual Witness in front of me offered as 'proof' then I'd either tactfully try to help him see where his argument falls down or else I'd blow his stupid little 'proof' to smithereens if he was the arrogant type.
Personally I like to focus on the 144,000, the Faithful & Discreet Slave and 607 to prove JW's don't have the Truth - these issue all go to the heart of the matter, authority.
You can't look for ONE flaw in a religion and label it FALSE.
Let's say you have a Ford truck and a Chevy truck. The ford has a tailpipe that rattles and the chevy has a big new crack in the driveline. Shall we say....."I'll drive both trucks because each truck has a flaw....why label my chevy as more dangerous than my ford...they both have faults".
What is The Truth?
You could prove that even they don't have their official version of The Truth. How can you take each of these points and show that the WTS does not practice what it preaches.
Mankind's Search for God book chap. 16 p. 377 The True God and Your Future ***
to Identify the True Religion1. The true religion worships the only true God, Jehovah.?Deuteronomy 6:4, 5; Psalm 146:5-10; Matthew 22:37, 38.
2. The true religion offers access to God by means of Christ Jesus.?John 17:3, 6-8; 1 Timothy 2:5, 6; 1 John 4:15.
3. The true religion teaches and practices unselfish love.?John 13:34, 35; 1 Corinthians 13:1-8; 1 John 3:10-12.
4. The true religion remains untainted by worldly politics and conflicts. It is neutral in time of war.?John 18:36; James 1:27.
5. The true religion lets God be true by accepting the Bible as God?s Word.?Romans 3:3, 4; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13.
6. The true religion does not condone war or personal violence.?Micah 4:2-4; Romans 12:17-21; Colossians 3:12-14.
7. The true religion successfully unites people of every race, language, and tribe. It does not preach nationalism or hatred, but love.?Isaiah 2:2-4; Colossians 3:10, 11; Revelation 7:9, 10.
8. The true religion advocates serving God, not for selfish gain or a salary, but out of love. It does not glorify men. It glorifies God.?1 Peter 5:1-4; 1 Corinthians 9:18; Matthew 23:5-12.
9. The true religion proclaims the Kingdom of God as man?s sure hope, not some political or social philosophy.?Mark 13:10; Acts 8:12; 28:23, 30, 31.
10. The true religion teaches the truth regarding God?s purpose for man and the earth. It does not teach the religious lies of immortal soul and eternal torment in hell. It teaches that God is love.?Judges 16:30; Isaiah 45:12, 18; Matthew 5:5; 1 John 4:7-11; Revelation 20:13, 14.