As you posters know my mom has been a "devout" JW for over 40 years and just won't bend when it comes to the faults of the WTS. I have talked until I was blue in the face for over 10 years since DA'd myself in 1993 but just can't crack my mom. Well she made another ridiculous comment to me the other day in her attempts to get me "reinstated" back as a JW. She told me that all ex-JW's and apostates have nothing but trouble after trouble in their lives when they leave JW's. She said that Michael Jackson should have stayed a JW and if he did he would not be in this legal mess he is in now. My mom says it serves him right for leaving Jehovah and the organization. She feels that Jehovah takes away his spirit from ex-jws and they have nothing but trouble. She said that you never hear of Katherine Jackson(Mike's mom) or Rebbie Jackson(Mike's JW sister) having any trouble in life but the DF'd and DA'd Jacksons such as Mike, LaToya, Janet all get into trouble which causes their mother heartache. My mom hopes that Mike will come to his senses and ask the elders to reinstate him before Jehovah destroys him. She said this is a wake up call from Jehovah for Mike to get his life right. And she said in the meantime she will never listen to any of Michael Jackson or Janet Janet songs until they are "reinstated." What do you think of this one posters?
Would Michael Jackson be in all this legal trouble if he stayed a JW?
by booker-t 24 Replies latest jw friends
If you bang your head against a brickwall -it is not the brickwall that gets hurt - it is your head - you just can not reason with a diehard JW -of course if Michael had stayed a JW and if he is as allegedly but not proven a pedophile then that would have been more scandal for the WT - but the average JW would still have an answer for tha tsuch as - well he loved riches and wealth and fame more than Jehovah - they always have an answer
As a side point, something totally unrelated, I think the nature of the organization has had some effect on the way he turned out. I think, essentially, Michael Jackson felt that the organization robbed him of his youth. i think he was forced to lead a very isolated life when he was a kid and I think he was haunted by a lot of demons from his family, etc... a lot of things that happened when he was a JW. From living such a sheltered life to suddenly making millions of dollars in the recording industry, I think such a life-style change was something he couldn't handle.
- Preston
Country Girl
Would all them Jehovah's WItnesses that were conscientious objectors during WWII be in all that legal trouble if they had *left* JW's organization? People get in legal trouble whether they are in *or* out of the JW's.
Um I think the Jackson 5 probally robbed him more of his youth than the WTS every could preston. THink about it. Look at the lives of most world famous child stars. Then look at their adult lives. THe olsens are a prime example that even a highly "normalized" version of being a child star will still thrash you a bit after you finish puberty. Don't even go into Macully.
No, whether Michael is in the JW religion or out, he'd still be in trouble because of his simple failure to observe a fundamental "rule" for anyone who has ever been accused of child molestation: Don't make your situation worse by continuing to have unsupervised access to minors.
Before the latest allegations surfaced, the foolish man, though, even went on television and defended the sleep overs in which he said it was perfectly innocent to want to have boys sleep in your bed. Hey, what were the parents of these minors thinking when they knowingly allowed their boys to share a bed with Michael, given the allegations in the early 1990s?
Many things have contributed to the demise and mental illness of Michael Jackson. That may or may not include witness teachings.
From my many personal experiences and from observation...and i know many of you here may not agree.....but IMHO when some leave the organization they act like they have just gotten out of prison....and even tho you can compare it to's what they do when they actually have that freedom that can put them in the example crowd..."oh so-and-so has been having it soooo hard since they left the borg" or you have the ones that appreciate their new found freedom and just are happy that they now have an inner peace....those are the ones you never hear anything about.....
From my own circuit...when i was still in the borg i would hear gossip all the time about ones that have left ONLY when BAD things happened to them and they'd become an example..."poor so-and-so has been having it so bad since they've been out"....but on the other hand when you leave and live a normal life the only thing you hear is "have you seen so-and-so....they just disappeared".......
so it depends on what people do with their freedom that makes people talk or not talk...or in MJ's case....well i can't explain his case but with all the cases of molestations and so forth in the borg today..who's to say they wouldnt support him along with all the other molesters that are being "hidden" among the borg...if he was still in the borg maybe he wouldnt have all the hoopla.....
ok imma stop now because what's in my head that i want to share is not really coming out like i want it too..and i don't want to come across wrong....
Most likely not, but that's not the real issue.
just can't crack my mom
dont even try again, you wont get anywher that way, just "talk" by "example" as jw say. use their own tactics prove them wrong by your "fruits", nothing else will work.
She told me that all ex-JW's and apostates have nothing but trouble after trouble in their lives when they leave JW's
She might be right to some extent, but real reason for those "trouble" is not because they left the jw religion per se... think about it.
Any individual whose whole life was supported by a group will be in TROUBLE when that support group is no there for whatever the reason AND whatever the group involved.
The affected indivial will probably make some mistakes due do the lack of coordinates he used to reference to his whole life.
It is like being raised in the country side in Africa 0isolated) and all of the sudden she/he is dropped in the middle of NYC with no money and no maps.
You can find similar experiences unrelated to jw for you mom to read, "planting".
MJ is probably the product, as anyone else, of unresolved conflict of interests which may included the factor the way he was raised,
BUT his "power" more than anything else, made him beleive he could get away with... anything, speculation here.
I dont know for sure what really has happened in the court case. As far as i know he could be declared no guilty, as the accuser really show an lack of consistency and monetary "interest", of course the former could be atributed to "pressure" but it does not add up.
A prominent basketball player got off the hook by proving the accuser had no credibility and showed monetary interest instead.
Been there done that, there are people who REALLY are willing to take advantage, if... couched. But if anyone behave naturallyl and keeps record in wirtting, as i learned by working by global corporations, if you are innocent it is easy to prove it.