July 26 is the due date. Not sure if I can be expecting a prince or princess, but either way, firstborn gets the throne when I'm done with it.
Correction I guess I should have asked if you were having a czar or a czarina. Either way they will get more than the throne, you have no idea how much your life is going to change when the little czarette or czar arrives. Although I do think you had a bit of a strange experience preparing you for the little one. It's all good.......and as parents we only remember the good stuff anyway once the little bugger has flown the coup. Yes life will be good in the kingdom........enjoy!
Seems that Valerian root gets the JWD endorsement. It looks like the active ingredient in the stuff from GNC, too.
I figured it was one of the ingredients in the other product, buy why pay for the other stuff when Valerian root is all you need. I wouldn't recommend it for mama right now at all, gotta be careful during gestation with even the natural herbs.
Foot odor? Can I just smell my own feet instead of dropping four bucks on this stuff?
Ewelllll..........~~~shudders at the thought~~~
Thanks everybody for taking me seriously.
Well of course, you deserve it! I think those of us who have been there done that can sympathize with you on all the changes you are in for. Just relax, and your job now is to make mama comfy and ignore her emotions which will be up and down and all over the place........just be understanding it passes in about 18 years!
Remember if mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy............