Can God Love the Unlovable? Re: Yorkshire Ripper.

by eyeslice 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyeslice

    I was shocked to learn this weekend that a notoriously serial killer, a man who murdered and disembowelled in the order of 13 women, now claims to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. See thread on the Yorkshire ripper ? - follow link to the article on his background.

    Now, this may or may not be a good choice of religion for him. Also, it might be argued that even if he has 'found God', he should keep these beliefs private to himself. However, the questions is; 'can God love the unlovable?'

    Perhaps there were things in his past that made him turn out this way.

    Commenting on John 3:16, Bible commentator William Barclay says'

    The unlovable and the unlovely, the lonely who have no one else to love them, those who love God and those who never think of him, those who rest in the love of God and those who spurn it - all are included in this vast inclusive love of God. As St Agustine had it: 'God loves each one of us as if there was only one of us to love.'

    My view - yes God can and does. Having said that, this man should remain in jail for the rest of his life.


  • stillajwexelder

    Yes he should remain in jail -but if you truly believe the scriptures -yes God can love the unlovable. If you ar ea Muslim many believe that by flying planes into the twin twoers and taking so many lives are doing Allahs work and so are very lovable. Religion sucks -- ALL OF IT - I am not particularly picking on Islam but I hate that religion more than most

  • eyeslice

    This a thread about God's love not fanatical Islam.

    I guess the question here would be could God love terrorists?


  • stillajwexelder

    This a thread about God's love not fanatical Islam. I guess the question here would be could God love terrorists?

    And the answer if you truly believe the scriptures is YES - including those who flew the planes into the twin towers

  • Aikon

    I dont belive for one miniute that Gods loves those who have HATRED for their fellow man no matter what religion.

    God Is Love. So Love is opposite to Hate !!!!!!!!!


  • jeanniebeanz

    1 Kings 16 talks about the atrocities committed by King Ahab as being worse than all of the fiendish things that all of the evil kings had done before. He sacraficed his own little children to Ba'al, rolling them down a ramp into a furnace, burning them alive. He set up like worship throughout the entire kingdom. Some of the other things he was responsible for are too vile to even be mentioned on this forum.

    God's response? He had him captured and after he spent time incarcerated and 'repented', God restored him to the throne of Israel.

    I'm not sure that a murderer, if repentant, would be given any less consideration by this God.



  • stillajwexelder

    And the mother of all apostates and evil men - King Mannasseh also repented - and 2 Chronicles shows God forgave him also

  • jeanniebeanz

    And we get disfellowshipped for smoking or divorcing a wife beating sob and re marrying, or burning the morning toast...okay so the last one was made up. You get the point though...


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Based on scripture, God can forgive all those who come to him in repentance. He is the only one that can see their true hearts, however. Remorse is not easy for a psychopath who feels no empathy. I'm not even sure if they are ever capable of it! Anyway, people should still be held accountable for their crimes, whether religious or not.

    Country Girl

  • under74

    well, I don't know about the God's love stuff...I do think there's such a thing as redemption but this doesn't mean that people aren't responsible for what they do and shouldn't pay for wrong doings.

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