Take the Inkblot Test
by frankiespeakin 30 Replies latest jw friends
cool, Frankie... here's mine (i used the name "Jane D'oh" ) Jane, your subconscious mind is driven most by Love
Everyone has a desire to love. But your desire is rooted very deeply in your unconscious and affects many of the decisions you make in life ? whether you are aware of it or not.
You have an energy about you that inspires people to experience their true feelings of love and act kindly towards others. In this way, you and your drive for loving relationships start a chain reaction of positive experiences.
The reason you are driven by love, may be because your unconscious is trying to avoid the opposite of love ? hate. You, more than others, may be afraid of experiencing severe discord with others. That may, in turn, heavily influence your choices about relationships and the way you communicate your ideas, wants, and desires to others.
With such a strong orientation towards loving others, your relationships hold a very special place in your life. Your capacity to love may be greater than those around you, and therefore you may have more to give in relationships than your romantic partner does. Remember that this is a gift you have and one most others don't possess.Though your unconscious mind is driven most strongly by Love, there is much more to who you are at your core.
Dang it. When I tried to do the inkblot test I got an error again. Anybody here willing to give their own opinion of my personalty, since I can't use the inkblot thing?
Be gentle, please.
Do you think the test was helpful or accurate?
Try cut and pasting the address in your web address bar maybe that might help.
yes and yes, Frankie. can we see yours?
Frannie Banannie
Frannie, your subconscious mind is driven most by Curiosity
You are full of questions about life, people, and your own potential. You spend more time than others imagining the possibilities for your life ? and you're open to things others are too afraid to consider.
You have an almost physical need to know and do more. It's only through new experiences that you feel a greater understanding of yourself and the world. You also have a rebellious streak that shows up when you feel unable to truly influence the world or circumstances around you. Your appetite for novel experiences also shows an openness others don't have, but wish they did.
Your psyche is very rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are.Kewl test, Frankie! Thanks!
You guys give all your info to a total stanger website???? PffffftT
I don't have it I didn't save it. It said basically what I think is close to the truth. It said my subconscious was not very well known to me(Duh??? I always knew that,,, that's why I work so hard to explore it),,and that I was very guarded,,about letting others know the real me,,, which is true,,but some how I feel that I have been more honest and open to people that I trust,,people I feel safe with that won't use what they know against me,,or get mad at me,,but I think I have done a great deal in being more honest with myself as I probe the unconcious memories and feeling.
I think the most important person to be honest to is yourself,, ideally you should be honest to every person,,but most important is to be honest to yourself.
All this is some general info and your web address. If you want you can make up a addy that you'll get rid of tomorow. But I see you concern.
Shari, your subconscious mind is driven most by Peace
You have a deeply-rooted desire to make peace in the world. Whether through subtle interactions with loved ones, or through getting involved in social causes, it is important to you to be able to influence the world in a positive way.
You have a deep respect for humankind. You care about the future of the world, even beyond your own involvement in it, and you inspire others to feel the same way. Your innate drive toward peace guides you in daily life towards decisions that are respectful toward yourself and others.
Your psyche is very rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are.