Personnally, what upset me the most is all the wasted time. I'm now 21 years old, you'll say that I'm still young but I know someone you were at the same elementary school than me and she's now in university.
What upset you about your past in the org?
by Nicolas 18 Replies latest jw friends
Same with me mang. Its simply all the wasted time and effort. The massive loss of faith I feel now. Things of that nature.
Kansas District Overbeer -
I was told for years that I wasn't good enough for God.
I know, it's useless to try to change the past but, what could I've done if only I had been in a "normal" family. When I was in high school, we had IQ test and the test were showing that I have a better than normal IQ but, I can't concentrate for too long and I'm too lazy to open a schoolbook and study. Last year, I decided to study in infography. This program is only a year and a half long (if it's too long, I know it will discourage me) and I will be an infographist at the end of 2005 but, I'm still very interested in psychology and what's related to it. I'm interested in a lot of things but I'm too lazy to concentrate in only one subject.
thats the biggest thing. doing all you can do in your circumstances and still know its not enough. its a big blow to your self esteem. it followed me home from the hall too. i never could do enough for my ex. i was worthless to him. he told me so when i left and was only allowed to take my clothes. leaving behind 18 yrs of a life i had thought i helped build. silly me.
having real problems and told to pray about it.. wait on jehovah. that solved nothing. never have seen it solve anything for anyone else either.
Probably the most frustrating thing for me is that I made so many important, pivitol decisions in my life based on a deliberate lie.
It has robbed me and my family of a decent retirement, and caused many shattered relationships.
My wife and I left in 1973. My wife was raised in cult, my own experience was 18 years. Most off all we regret the lying. As someone interested in history I was able to obtain very early and rare WT publications and then I went throgh hell. As I realised the lies and cover-ups they have engineered over the years. The WTS is 1984 in reality.
But at least today, dear friends, you have so many avenues of help. The WWW is a blessing. There are many well written books on the subject. So many good people are now leaving and we can communicate and help each other. But in 1973? There was very little. The books were few and lacking in any substance. We had both accept Jesus as our personal Lord and saviour before leaving and He was our rock in a troubled time, as 32 years later he still is.
But there were for me some plus sides. 1. They cured a shocking stammer (thanks to the Ministry School). 2. They gave me first class training in public speaking, A blessing I use a great deal in the church we are members of, and yes I give all the credit to the JWs. 3. If I had not become a JW I would never have met my wife Yvonne. 4. There is nothing like Biblical error to help you search for the truth. 5 While we have now lost them, we did have some good friends.
To not be allowed to partake in holidays, birthdays and social activities with friends and schoolmates.
To feel the need of an almost schizophrenic lifestyle (to talk and behave different with insiders/outsiders)
The constant nagging feeling that I wasn't doing enough.
That I wasted all the time there and preaching and forgot or don?t have any contact with family and friends.