Three of the most important question you will ever ask yourself:

by Chance 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pole

    Three of the most important question I will ever ask myself:

    1) Have I been a good father (if I have children)?
    2) Have I been good to my wife?
    3) Have I helped the people who needed my help and "deserved" it or have I been an asshole?

    All else is lukewarm metaphysics. I don't get excited over it anymore.


  • siegswife


    WOW! Right on man!

  • Carmel

    I don't recall ever asking these questions but I did have a bucket full that I asked when I was a Jw and got reproved for asking. One may ponder as I did, why are there so many different conceptions of God, whey so many well meaning people that believe so differently, where is a logical and reasonable explanation for the diversity of beliefs, cultures and traditions. My quest was to find the unifying principal and cosmology rather than assume that one religion was true and all the rest false. This concept is rampant in all the religions. They all seem to have their exclusivist texts yet ultimately they all teach the same moral and ethical (spiritual) principals. What connects the dots?

    That was my quest.


  • upside/down

    i'm with Pole!


  • GetBusyLiving

    I liked Poles response too. And this:

  • upside/down

    In all fairness there is one question (that at the time was THE MOST IMPORTANT) that ALL of us asked from the deepest seat of our being...

    Will I ever get laid? Don 't get all prudish, you know THAT was once the MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION! Which is followed only slightly by "When will I get laid again?"

    And you KNOW it's true!

    u/d (of the need to get laid class)

  • myvalk

    hey chance... very interesting post.

  • roybatty

    Why does free will always have to lead to men doing really bad & stupid things? And why would God allow this? At best, God is very irresponsible.

    Just because my 13 year old son wants to build a home made cannon doesn't mean I'd let him. I guess I have more brains then God does.

  • marcosgarcia

    Re: Three of the most important question you will ever ask yourself

    WOW ! Your post brings up some great points and your questions are totally different from mine:

    1. WHERE are my car keys?

    2. IS there still money in the account?

    3. WAS it good for me?

  • BrendaCloutier

    An ant farm with a frustrated creator who finally decides that his ants need motivation to love him and create a 2nd ant farm that is perfect, tunnels all built, food all stored, etc. But how to get the ants to understand that by choosing to go through the tunnel to this perfect ant farm they have chosen to love him? He introduces a predator to place fear in the ants....

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