Did You Ever "Love" The Elders, The "Friends", The "Governing Body"?

by minimus 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • snakeizz

    only for a small handful of people....

  • frankiespeakin

    I didn't have any special feelings for the GB, or elders,,only those I got to know personally. To love "all" the brother would be very exausting to say the least.

  • Honesty

    Until I realised it was for appearnces. Most of them could care less about one another unless someone was about to 'bring reproach on Jehovah' and then they would go out of their way to be 'friends' and encourage the erring one with a JC

  • Gill

    NO and NEVER!

    I learned that they could be hypocrites at a very early age. My father was an elder and 'Loved' be the congregation. He was so nice to them all, supportive sweet and loving. Sun shone out of his arse it appeared. But I knew what he was really like when the doors were closed. Violent, bullying, frightening. I found a knife at my throat on many occassions as a young child. Can you imagine the terror. My mum was totally intimidated and afraid. What made it worse was all those 'loving brothers and sisters' saying how wonderful he was. There was no where to go and no one to ask for help.

    So I knew the others could also be like that. I learned never to trust someone who claimed to be good, or a christian, or trust first, second or third impressions.

    To me, they're all a bunch of ass holes. I've seen first hand how other elders and MS's behave with their familys.

    Hypocrisy in the first order...Though I don't doubt there are some excellent ones.

    I did not love them NO!

  • minimus

    "To me, they're all a bunch of assholes".....Gill, you're funny!

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I respected them all as people. I still do.

    Good morning to all!!!


  • jeanniebeanz

    That?s a tough question really, because when I was a witness I would have said that I respected the elders and the GB, and loved the friends. But it would have been a preprogrammed answer. I also would have probably been willing to sacrifice my life to save one of them.

    However, that was all false emotion based upon programming since childhood. It would have been acted upon out of programming as well.

    So, in retrospect, I think I'd have to say that I feared the elders as the eyes of the GB, which had all the pull in heaven and could, sentence me to either life or death. As far as the friends, there were a cool cordiality and smiles and politeness, but if it hadn't been for the fear of the other two, there were a lot of people in that organization I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole.


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