This is a picture of a catfish that a guy recently caught at Lake Texhoma.
According to the news, he was fishing from the shore with a 20 pound test line.
When he realized what a huge fish he had caught, he stayed in the water with it
and kept it close to shore with his hands.
He used his cell phone to call a friend and tell him to bring a scale. The friend
got there and the scale topped out at 100 pounds. They took it to the nearby Bait
Shop and weighed it there. It weighed 121 pounds!
Luckily a Game Warden was there and called the Athens Freshwater Fisheries
Center and asked them if they wanted the fish. They sent a 'live truck' to the site
and brought the fish safely to Athens.
They are getting it ready for the public to view. The paper said that it would be
two to three weeks before they'd release it into the public tank.
They estimated that the 121 pound catfish was about 27 years old!
Want to go swimming in Lake Texhoma?
Swimming anyone??
by chrissee 11 Replies latest jw friends
sorry picture didn't post, guess I didn't do it right...
hey I figured it out all on my own!! (patting myself on the back!!) LOL
That is a big fish - actually catfish is a popular dinner item around here
Yea ! Chrissee, congrats on the picture posting . I make that a point because it took me a while to get that right.
That is a huge catfish!! Question. Is that Lake Texhoma between Oklahoma & Texas ? Or is there another one?
That picture is not from Texoma. It is from somewhere in Europe, most probably Italy or France. Check Snopes for more information.
This is the biggest bastard catfish taken from Lake Texoma to date..
District Overbeer
Big Tex
catfish bait
Holy Crap!!!
I guess you`d have to believe this "fish story" when it`s told!
uh !!! ...