Over the years I have become less of male chauvanist pig and much more chivalrous - my wife says she as a woman likes men to be men and hold doors open for her and stand up on an airport shuttle bus etc . if there are no seats left. To me the WTBTS is very chauvanistic and not very chivalrous. There are also some ladies who like men to be a little on the chauvanstic side (alpha males) so there is balance somewhere - what do you ladies like - and what do you men think you are -chauvanist or chivalrous?
Chauvanism or Chivalry?
by stillajwexelder 27 Replies latest jw friends
Women want to feel loved and protected by their men.
So if I hold the door open for you does that make me chauvanistic or chivalrous?
Definitely a Chivalrous Dragon Slayer....
Rescuer of many a damsel in distress.
We want to be loved, cherished, valued and respected. We don't want to be treated like maids, cooks, servants yesmen and/or play toys. We don't want to see other women treated like the above, especially playtoys.
If you hold the door open for us, help us put our coats on, carry the groceries, etc. you are showing respect, being thoughtful and helpful. Those are good things.
If you speak respectfully to us and about us then you are being chivalrous. Tell us you genuinely like us women. Tell us you find us delightful and lovely. Don't talk about boobs, butts, etc. and go bragging about "nailing some chick or getting laid." Save that for the locker room if you must do it. We aren't impressed by it. It's a good thing if you find women attractive, just be respectful, even poetic in how you express that.
happy camper
Whether a woman wants to admit it or not, she wants a man to be chivalrous. It makes her feel loved, safe, and protected.
Main Entry: chiv·al·rous
Pronunciation: 'shi-v&l-r&s
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of chivalry and knight-errantry
3 a : marked by honor, generosity, and courtesy b : marked by gracious courtesy and high-minded consideration especially to women synonym see CIVIL
- chiv·al·rous·ly adverb
- chiv·al·rous·ness noun
Pronunciation Key© 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
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What?- no "playtoys".... sniffle sniffle....
What?- no "playtoys".... sniffle sniffle....
You know what I meant. You want to be chivalrous or chauvinist? The choice is up to you.
I believe someone is misunderstanding the employ of a Knight. We are the embodiment of the ultimate sacrifice, if be that the requirement. Chivalry? , most certainly!