I can view all their material but it wont let me post.It is a very lame site and is not very active(surprise huh)Im shocked that some of the dubs have the rocks to even go online.Has anyone else ever been on there?
I just got access to witness world.com
by ko38 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
quack! haha someone needs to proof read their site
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In other words, no posts containing any information showing proof that we are a lying backstabbing cult, and you must agree with everything the wt says.
Cool! The NGO thing fits the requirements perfectly! It is absolutely true, could only be considered defamatory if the site mods believe it to be damaging to the reputation of the WTBTS (and what would that say, hmm?), and is public domain information.
I'm sure a few choice quotes from the NWT could go a long way. I'm thinking of Deut 18:20-22. But that violates the terms of use. Ha!
WW is lame cause the people who initially started it are no long there. Trust me on that one!
LOL @ FallGirl!
Heh On the NGO thing you could post on how great the society is for having joined, 'specially since the UN does so much good blabahhab The UN is honestly trying blablab. The UN will never be god's kingdom but at least they feed hungry ppl how wonderful that the society got involved with them blabblahblah.
That wouldnt violate any of their forum rules but might get some readers thinkin.
I agree with Brenda. that scripture in Deut. has a great impact.
I have to check out the site, thanks for the info
Ha! Just think if this board started banning the posting of what the administrators viewed as "false material", i.e., no pro-Watchtower material.