I have another large axe to grind with the way the rank & file are used at Bethel.
If bethel is asking for labourers or unskilled workers, and there is potentially large suppy of these, then the local body of elders has to 'certify that the brother or sister' is in good standing and is a 'spiritual person'. Fail to do your 10 hours a month, not do your fair share of answering up at the Watchtower Study, etc, and there a fair chance you don't get to Bethel. I have heard it so many times before, 'we should be encouraging brother so-and-so to be out in weekend field service not sending him off to Bethel'.
Now, if your skills are such that bethel is desperate for them, these standards just fly out the window. If they need a brain surgeon, a computer expert or other sort of boffin they'll have anybody - even sisters.
Don't get me wrong about the sisters bit, I am in no way sexist, and am generally appalled at the way talented sisters are overlooked in favour of less talented brothers. The 'even sisters' bit reflects their attitude not mine!
Shortage of skilled labourers to work at Bethel??
by starfish422 14 Replies latest jw friends
You know what disturbs me is that the Society wants trade persons to work for them for nothing not a farthing. It is pathetic if a brother or sister with a trade is asked to do work and they have others things to do like make a living, be with family, and do every other little thing the WTS wants of them and if they don't get time in the service then your never asked again. Thats is pure garbage. You know what also I am angry about is that the WTS is one of the wealthiest organizaiions in the world and they can't afford to pay brothers a few dollars for their labour.
Just think how quick the society would loss money if they had to pay for traders. My father died at age 64 from kidney cancer, well they removed the cancered kidney but he was heomerraging deep inside and his blood count started plummetting and then is 2 and half weeks died. He use to work week in week out for years and years doing septic systems for congregations all over Ontario and he spend more time in literal shit that I am sure it contributed to his getting cancer. Do you think for one second the branch in office in Canada Georgetown would have younger brothers do this work. But my dad use to say that a lot of younger brothers in the organization didn't want to volunteer their time to work for the Society. They were to busy with their families. Its too bad my father didn't see that. You can't imagine the times my poor mom was all alone while he was away in timbuctwo doing shit work. It use to make my mom cry as my mom has been ill foryears and years and here she'd hope that her and dad would have some golden years together instead of dad being dead. I know she is very bitter when it comes to the Society. One day years ago in a weak moment she said she wish she wasn't a Jehovah's Witness. Boy I wish I had recorded that so she could here herself today and be a part of my life. You know more understanding. Well its like my aunt said to my mom, at least Terry made her life right. My aunt is not a JW and hates them with a passion.
Yes Bethelites I feel so sorry for them its like slave work in Bethel and God forbid if in any way you say a negative word about it or your out on your ear. Really such true genuine love.. Right ya.!!!
Bethel life is true Borg structure.
I know plenty of them. They are so hard up for cash, that if they do specialty work for congregations on their spare time, they expect to be tipped!
The only winners are the ones there for over 15-25 years... they get good rooms, plenty of vacations, and they know so many people that these will pay for their cars, and vacations!
Well, its got to be difficult to get skilled labor from your members when you discourage them from getting anything beyond a high school education.
Odrade: My dad is an electrician. By way of update, he returned on Sunday night and stayed for another week. :( I am writing a letter to the bigwigs at the Halton Hilton.