I can't get to grips with being shunned

by chuckyy 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kes152

    Dearest chuckyy,

    May you have peace.

    The best way to deal with your anger is to confess it. Be open and honest with yourself and genuinely admit to yourself that you are still angry. Also admit to yourself that you are angry because you are hurt and one of the ways that you personally handle your pain is with anger. Being disfellowshipped and the way you are being treated by former members is not the only hurt you experience. There are also other things in your life that have hurt you deeply and such pain has caused you to 'lash out' on many occasions. you should take some time and look at these. These things are very hurtful to you and you would want to grieve, but your anger prevents you from grieving. you are a very hurt man and you don't like to be shunned. You hate being ignored and you 'desire' the love that your friends used to give you.. but because they have stopped and are now ignoring you.. you have been hurt very deeply and you miss them very much.

    Don't hide these things from yourself but be honest to yourself about them. There is no reason to hide, we all feel this way. Some of us to not 'handle' it correctly and subsequently make matters worse for ourselves. I know you do not wish for this to happen to you, so it is best for you to look at yourself and learn to accept yourself for who you 'really' are. Men like to think they are strong and can handle many things.. but the truth is they are weak and sensitive. When you come to realize this, and understand that you DO in fact... HAVE feelings.. and that your feelings DO in fact... get HURT.. and that you do in fact... want kindness.. you will grow and become a stronger person. Don't think that you can 'shake' this off and 'toughen it out' as many will tell you because this is a 'healing' time for you. If you desire to be healed, you must look at your pain. When you begin to 'accept' yourself, you can then learn to 'accept' others.. even those who shunned you. This will not happen for you overnight.. but it will happen for you if you allow it to and you want it to. Then, as you grow you will have more meaningful relationships and your happiness will be greatly increased. You must be patient with yourself and don't immediately seek better relationships now. Look at your pain first and these things. Then, as you get better, you will be able to 'handle' better relationships.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Hey dude. I know how it feels, its tough. You just have to move on.. like has been stated before they aren't really true friends if they can't accept you for what you believe. Also they are under so many rules and stuff that their heads are spinning, I just kinda feel sorry for them because they are forced to be so clueless.

  • Aude_Sapere
    Loudly... "Hi there! Nice to see you (silence) ... Oh, are you still in that CULT that shuns old friends who have moved on?"


    to any bystanders... "They're JEHOVAHS WITNESSES and they play shunning games, ...remember this next time they knock on your door speading their UN-Christian like message."

    This was great..!!

    <-- my first emoticon on JWD

    ...I'm a bit slow sometimes!

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Shunning is a power trip that they play with their rules. You don't play by those rules anymore so take the power back. If they shun you in public be very nice to them but don't make too big of a show of it, just enough so that it gets a few people's attention. You're the normal one and they're the ones in the cult. "By their own actions you will know them" right? Well, they're being jerks and you're being kind. Be a normal - non-cult - person and let it shine.

  • Daughter of Freedom
    Daughter of Freedom

    Chuckyy- be angry- you should be! It sucks.

    Just remember we all used to be like that (your anger will turn to shame!!!)

    You won't get to grips with it.

    You have to retrain your brain.

    "I am a good person. I am a good person. I am a good person"

    Be happy that you now have the freedom to speak to who you want, and feel sorry for them that they can only do 'as per instructions'.

    You will learn to deal with it by moving on and making new friends, but you won't ever stop being angry when someone snubs you

    Hold your head up high & be proud!

    I'm Proud Of You

  • Jez

    I am the type of person that sees the positive in everything and I do believe that having ppl shun me has shown me what kind of a person I no longer want to be. It makes me a better human because I am on the other side of shunning now. What a trip! I would have never thought it possible, but here I am! I would no longer be the strong, driven, focused person I am today, if I had not experienced this.

    At first it was like torture, now it is just silly to me.


  • twinkletoes

    Hello and welcome Chuckyy and Mrs Chuckyy !

    We were JWs for over 32 years and now experience shunning whenever we see ones that we thought were friends, It gets a little better and easier to cope with (but not much easier) as time goes by, we've been out (we disassociated ourselves mainly cos of the UN scandal etc, as they would not answer our questions) I try to treat them as people in general, as if I never knew them, but my husband gets very angry and tends to confront them and force them to speak to him. not always successfully though. Remember that they are in the high mind control cult, and as others have said, they feel that they are doing the correct thing and also are afraid that others may see them speaking to you.

    Stay here on this forum, it will really help you, by the way, as you can see from my details we are not too far from you and your wife - Hereford.

    Twinkletoes & Kaytee


    Hello Chuckyy,

    We were part of the Hereford congregation for twenty years and were in the Org for over thirty years. We RESIGNED a couple of years ago on the grounds of their involvement in the UN scandal. We waited 6 months for an answer to our questions regarding this, with the Society and a further two months from the local elders. They had copies of all the information, that it had taken over a year for us to compile. They could not or would not give us any answers. Eventually, as we resigned, everyone that we meet now in town, shuns us. When we warned them (elders) in our resignation letter about the consequences of their announcing that we had left, we also asked them for verification of "shunning" from the bible. They could not again produce any such answer - IS THIS REALLY A CHRISTIAN ACT? IF IT IS, THEN WHERE IN THE BIBLE, IF IT IS NOT HOW CAN THEY SAY THEY HAVE JEHOVAH'S BACKING.

    The reason as I see it - is they cannot justify it therefore the Society encourages shunning - remember they don't want you or I talking to anyone - they don't want people to find out the real truth.



  • inquirer

    chuckyy ---


    My wife and I have been disassociated for about 2 months now. Every day in our small town we are being shunned by former friends. One in particular annoyed me today. It was an elder who's wife left him a few years ago. He was devastated and I was there for him for months afterward, sacrificing my time to help him when he was low, always there when he needed to get his feelings out. Today, as I passed him he glanced at me with a disdainful look as if I were skum. I am so angry.....what is it with these people???....it is so opposite to true christianity.

    How do you deal with shunning and the feelings of anger???

    Yeah, sorry I am mad. I just can't help myself. :(

    I wish Witnesses would use their brain, even if it is bi-polar... (:D ) Maybe he could have "Witnesses to you." And said something positive like "Jehovah remembers the good things you've done." And "how are you going?" "Are you giving the JW's a break now? That's alright, we'll see ya again soon when you are feelings better..." or something like that.

  • Honesty

    The only ones that shun me since I DA'd are the local congregation's servant body that I've run into around town. I always say hi and treat them like my friends even when they turn and try to run away. I have told one of them that the GB can make him into a victim but since being freed from slavery they can't victimise anyone that stands up and defies their unscriptural demands. If only 50% of the JWs stood up to those illegitimate sons of satan the 'truth' would fade into oblivion a lot sooner.

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