Counsel - How many times

by CaptK 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • CaptK

    When you was a JW how many times did you recieve counsel or critisim from the elders. I can't think of how many times when I gave talks ( 5 min) #4 that I would get counsel. Or going in service you should of said this or use this scripture. Or wanting to stop early, etc, etc, etc. Yet some elder or another publisher would never get the same treatment. If the elders would take as much counsel from others as they dish out how many of these same individuals would still be in the organization ? Any thoughts


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I, in the presence of my husband of course like a good little 2nd class citizen little JW wife, have received counsel several times regarding low meeting attendance and low monthly service time.

    Right after the counseling session I make sure to miss 2 or 3 meetings in a row and not go out on service for 2 or 3 Saturdays in a row. This is as if to say "leave me the hell alone, you darn bastages!!!"


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I think they are afraid of me. I always told them just what I thought - and usually backed it up with scriptures - they hate that. Might have been ok if I used watchtowers instead..LOL

    Even though the SOB's are now slandering my good name by calling me an 'apostate' - so that the entire cong is shunning me - they have never once approached us and made accusations - why do they have to bother if all the jdubs just get in line and treat me like shit without a charge.

    What did doubtfully say ' the darn bastardos'? Something like that


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


  • stillajwexelder

    I honestly thought I had the correct attitude - I used to ask for counsel - I viewed it as the best and only way to impove as a speaker and as a peson but that is just me

  • stillajwexelder

    I honestly thought I had the correct attitude - I used to ask for counsel - I viewed it as the best and only way to impove as a speaker and as a peson but that is just me

  • vitty


    You sound like my husband, but if they EVER tried to councel us on our private lives hed let them have it. A couple of niave and new elders tried, never again haha

    Ive warned my kids never tell the elders anything, one in particular used to try and pump the young ones for info, little twerp

    I never asked them for advice either

    My husband was a MS , someone asked him for advice on a situation, cos they couldnt trust the elders!!! Anyway he went to a elder about it, wouldnt say who it was and got counseled himself

  • ColdRedRain

    A better question is "When did you not get councel". Seems like anything you do that isn't to their whitebread standards is herasy.

  • iiz2cool

    I was given counsel only once, but it covered many issues. The counsel took 20 years for them to give.

    It ended when I left.


  • FairMind

    I always told the brothers that I could take counsel from anyone that would take it from me. That did not seem to go over to well.


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