HI- I would like to know if anyone has any good scriptures that I could hit someone with when they say that they have to do whatever the elders tell them- even if they feel the elders are wrong and in error- they say the scriptures tell us to be obedient to those taking the lead. They say we are to follow the elders instructions and if they are in error- Jehovah will make it right. I feel we should never BLINDLY follow ANYONE. What say you? Sugarbritches
by sugarbritches 7 Replies latest jw friends
sugarbritches, the topic of the thread is different but the scriptures would apply.
Lemme know if you need more.
Thanks oldsoul- these scriptures are great- i appreciate your help. Maybe I can throw a rock in your garden someday-
Basically all the verses that JWs use to throw at the face of "Christendom leaders" can be thrown back at their face, e.g.
Matthew 15:14:
LET them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit
Acts 5:29
It's not very diplomatic, but it's fun.We must obey God as ruler rather than men.
This discussion focused on people in the Bible that did what Jehovah's organization of the day told them to do, and how God punished them for it:
Dave -
I guess common sense would ultimately speak to this topic. We each answer to God for our actions - Eve tried to blame Adam and look where that ended up . I don't think God would accept an excuse such as "well - they told us to and I did it even though I felt it was wrong because they are the elders". But the bible is pretty clear that we will be forgiven for all sins if we accept Jesus as our savior and ask for forgivness.
So for me - I guess I would say that common sense says - do what YOU believe is right based on the bible - and then leave the rest in God's hands knowing that you're forgiven.
After all - if you follow the counsel of men knowing that it may be wrong - then aren't you worshiping men instead of God?
After all - if you follow the counsel of men knowing that it may be wrong - then aren't you worshiping men instead of God?
Yes. That is the way I see it, anyway.
They don’t seem to have a problem in stretching a scripture if it suits their purpose, do they? If an Elder gives bad counsel that you follow who suffers, you or him? This kind of application of scripture is what makes the WTS so Orwellian.