What does death really mean? How can we reconcile death and eternal Hell

by JerichoForce 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JerichoForce

    The following is an answer to some questions put to me by a reader on this forum, I have done my best to answer these with the Holy Spirit's leading, I hope this will anwer questions for many people on these issues. The questions asked are in the 'quotes'.

    My next posting due early next week will deal with supposed violence and judgement in the Old Testament as many in this forum have stated that they can't understand the issue of violence as they see a God of violence portrayed in the Old testament and can't reconcile Him with a God of Love. I will endeavour to address this issue in some detail...Thank you and God Bless...

    Can I ask a couple of things please, you might be able to help me make some sense of this.
    Do you believe in hell as an everlasting place of torture? because thats what every church i ever went to teaches, even though its clear, time and time again the bible says the wages of sin is death.

    Yes, hell is an everlasting place of torture and the wages of sin is death. Let?s look at what the bible says about death and sin and how both concepts are consistent with both death and hell being a place of everlasting torture

    1/ In Genesis 2:17 God says to Adam, But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

    Now, did Adam physically die the day he ate the apple..? No, we know that Adam lived many years longer. Either this means one of two things, God was mistaken when he told Adam that on that day he would surely die OR that God meant something other than physical death..

    The word for die that God used in Hebrew is muwth which means - to die (as penalty), which links back nicely to Romans 6:23 ? the wages of sin is death. The penalty of sin is death. The bible clearly throughout scripture identifies that the death spoken about is spiritual death, not physical death. On the day that Adam ate the apple, he died, ?spiritually?. However from the moment Adam ate the apple he also brought physical death into the world, he might not have physically died on the same day but he was now detined to die physically at some time in the future. So there is a double meaning in God?s words. Adam would die spiritually on the day he ate the apple but he would also die in the sense that he would be ?destined? to physically die sometime after that day

    Let?s look a little more at Genesis to support this line of reasoning

    1/ When Adam disobeyed, he experienced immediate spiritual death, which caused him to hide ?from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden? (Genesis 3:8).

    And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden

    Notice he hid from his ?presence?, where before he disobeyed he was in Gods?s presence continually, afterwards we see an immediate seperation where Adam now needs to separate and hide himself from God?s presence. This is because Adam can now no longer be in the fully manifest presence of perfect and Holy God as he has ?sinned?.

    Later, Adam experienced physical death (Genesis 5:5).

    The Bible presents death as separation: physical death is the separation of the soul from the body, and spiritual death is the separation of the soul from God. So Adam experienced immediate spiritual death but delayed physical death, the spirit did not cease to exist the day it died, it became ?seperated? from God. This is also described in Isaiah

    "Your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden His face from you." (Isa. 59:2)

    The bible explains that there are two types of bodies, spritual and earthly,

    1 Cor 15:40
    There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.

    our earthly bodies will be changed and we will be given new immortal bodies that will never taste death?.will no longer be subject to the physical death that sin brought into the world

    1 Cor 15:51 - 55
    Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
    In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
    For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal [must] put on immortality
    So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
    O death, where [is] thy sting? O grave, where [is] thy victory?

    When we read Romans 6:23 it is talking about physical death, for the wages of sin is death, we deserve death for sin, and sin brought physical death into the world

    The whole world is subject to death, because all have sinned. ?By one man sin entered the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned? (Romans 5:12).

    However even though we die because of sin, we are promised ulimate freedom from death (physical and spiritual) because of the redemptive blood of Jesus who dies in our place and takes the death? penalty ?, in this sense, eternal seperation from His presence, that we should have had to pay.

    Look at the following scriptures in Romans

    For if by one man's (Adam?s) offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.

    Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life

    That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

    The free gift of grace offered to us in the righteous sacrifice of Christ on the cross for our sins set?s us free from the condemnation of death mentioned in Romans 6:23 and replaces it with eternal life, that is spiritual life (we are restored in our relationship with God and can experience his presence as the blood of Jesus covers our sin and so we are no longer tainted but clean and without sin stain in the presence of a Holy God), see Rev 1:5 (below)

    And from Jesus Christ, [who is] the faithful witness, [and] the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

    1Jhn 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    What does the bible say about those who are made righteous??

    Mt 25:46 - And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

    So the spiritual death of Adam was seperation from God?s presence. Just because Adam was to die physically later does not mean he would cease to exist upon death, it simply means his sin immediately seperated from God?s presence (spiritual death) and was destined to physically die in the future. The bible tells us that once we physically die, the soul continues to exist?even for those who do not die with their sins covered by Christ?s blood

    For example

    Hebrerws 9:27 ?And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment?. So, after death the judgement?this obviously means that we all continue to exist spirtually as we will ALL be judged?.

    On the cross, Jesus also experienced both spiritual death (when He cried ?My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?? Matthew 27:46), and physical death (Matthew 27:50). The difference is, Adam died because he was a sinner, and Jesus, who had never sinned, chose to die as a substitute for sinners (Hebrews 2:9).

    Jesus then showed His power over death and sin by rising from the dead on the third day (Matthew 28; Revelation 1:18). Because of Christ, death is a defeated foe. ?O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?? (1 Corinthians 15:55; Hosea 13:14).

    For the unsaved, death brings to an end the chance to accept God?s gracious offer of salvation and to have that broken relationship, the ability to stand in His manifest presence restored?. ?It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment? (Hebrews 9:27).

    For the saved, death ushers us into the presence of Christ. ?To be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord? (2 Corinthians 5:8; Philippians 1:23). So real is the promise of the believer?s resurrection, that the physical death of a Christian is called ?sleep? (1 Corinthians 15:51; 1 Thessalonians 5:10). We look forward to that time when ?there shall be no more death? (Revelation 21:4).

    Revelations talks about the day of that judgement and what will happen to those whose sentence is Hell and eternal seperation from God?s presence?This answers your next question as to whether Hell is a place of everlasting torture

    Rev 20:12 - And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is [the book] of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

    Rev 20:15 - And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

    How long does this last???

    The punishment of the wicked is as never-ending as the bliss of the righteous. Unbelievers are not given a second chance, nor are they annihilated. The punishment of the wicked dead is described throughout Scripture as "everlasting fire" (Matt 25:41); "

    "shame and everlasting contempt" (Dan. 12:2);

    a place where "their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched" (Mark 9:44-49);

    a place of "torments" and "flame" (Luke 16:23,24) "everlasting destruction" (2Thes 1:9);

    a place of torment with "fire and brimstone" where "the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever" (Rev. 14:10,11); and

    a "lake of fire and brimstone" where the wicked are "tormented day and night forever and ever" (Rev. 20:10). Here Jesus indicates that the punishment itself is everlasting

    Also, Adam and Eve were created to live on earth forever. whilst they sinned and brought the death penalty on their heads, when did god decide faithful man kind would go to live in heaven. Why did he change his mind? We werent designed for heaven.
    Adam and Eve didnt need a spirit that survived death as they were meant to live forever, so where did people get this spirit from and who first got one?

    God didn?t change His mind, just because Adam & Eve were ?designed? to live forever didn?t mean that the design couldn?t break down in the face of outside (outside the original design) corruption, that outside corruption was sin, it ruined what God had designed?This all comes down to free will. Would God create robots with no ability to make choices or would he give man the ability to freely choose to follow Him for who he was, their Father, their creator, provider

    Because Adam and Eve chose Satan as their ruler, God had to let him have his way in this world. But, God in His infinite mercy promised to put enmity between man and Satan, and that a Messiah or Saviour would come and die for the sins of mankind. Those who believed and obeyed this Saviour would one day go to heaven
    Satan was the prince of this world (John 12:31; 14:30.), but Jesus Christ through His death on the cross of Calvary redeemed it to Himself. This world rightly belongs to Jesus both by creation and redemption. However, lots of people still choose to have Satan as their ruler. It is Satan's rule of lawlessness not God's, that has put this world in the condition that it is in.

    Adam and Eve didn?t need a spirit that survived death

    Maybe they didn?t need one that survived death but they were created with a spirit that is separate to their earthly bodies?read Corinthians, particularly

    1 Cor 15:45

    And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul;

    It is also written that there is a earthly body and a spiritual body, this is also reflected in that we were made in God?s image who does not have Cor 15:44

    1 Cor 15: 44 There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

    The fact that we see Adam according to God?s word surely died on the day he ate the apple, that he suffered immediate death but that he did not physically die show clearly that it was His spirit that must have been seperate as he hid from God?s presence?So Adam clearly had a spirit from the very beginning that was seperate to the body as the evidence of scripture clearly shows. If it is seperate to the physical body then clearly it could survive physical death of the body, nothing in the bible says that the physical and the spirtiual (soul) of Adam were dependant on each other, in fact it shows they are poles apart...it also shows that Adams spirit apart from His body suffered death that day..death as seperation from His presence..

    Also if God created Adam and Eve with free will and therefore the ability to disobey, and if we accept that God know?s what will happen in advance he must have known how Adam would exercise His will before he even created Him and that he would have a plan of redemption for all mankind, to me that would be evidence that God designed Adam and Eve to have a spirit that would obviously survives death, otherwise his plaan of redemption, planned since the beginning of time, would have been in vain, that is just extra evidence that supports the verses I have pointed out above

    The final question I will answer is

    when did God decide faithful mankind would go to heaven?

    My answer, the bible?s answer is that immediately after Adam sinned we see God referring to His plan of redemption, from the moment sin entered the world God already had a plan to bring salvation. We see the first sign in the following statement in Genesis

    So the Lord God said to the serpent, 'Because you have done this, Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers: He will crush your head and you will strike His heel.

    This difficult verse contains many profound and important truths which God's prophets would later explain in detail. The contents of this verse, can be summarized like this: God was beginning to make known His plan to bring into the world a Savior {or Deliverer} who would redeem the children of Adam from the dominion of Satan. This is the first verse that mentions the coming of the holy Redeemer {or Mediator}. In this verse, let us consider four truths concerning the Redeemer whom God promised to send.
    1.) The first truth is this: God was announcing how this Redeemer would be born of a woman only, that is, a virgin. All of us have a male and a female parent. However, the Redeemer who was to come, would be born only of a woman, by the power of God. He would not have an earthly father. The Savior of the world could not come from Adam, because all of Adam's descendants are stained by sin. The Savior of sinners had to be without sin. He had to come forth from God, from heaven. Thus, the first thing we may learn from this verse is this: God promised a holy Redeemer who would be the offspring of a woman, but not the offspring of a man.

    2.) There is something else that God announced on the day that Adam and Eve sinned. Concerning the promised Redeemer, God said to Satan: "You will strike his heel." Thus, God began to announce how Satan would torment the Savior that God would send from heaven. The prophets foretold how Satan would incite men to persecute, torture and kill the Redeemer. A stricken Redeemer would be part of God's plan. In order to bring us back to God, the Savior of the world would have to die as a sacrifice for sin; the Righteous One dying for us, the unrighteous. He would willingly lay down His life to pay sin's penalty: death.

    3.) The third truth concerning the Redeemer was that God told Satan, who was in the serpent, that "he (the Redeemer) would crush his (Satan's) head." That was bad news for Satan, but good news for whoever wants to be delivered from the power of Satan, sin and hell! Thus, God began to announce that the Redeemer would, in the end, defeat the devil and set free the children of Adam who had become slaves of sin.

    4.) Finally, God began to announce that there would be two lines (groups) of people in the world: The people of Satan and the people of God. The people of Satan are those who refuse to believe the Word of God. The people of God are those who believe God's Word and put their trust in the promised Redeemer. (John 1:9-13)
    Thus, on the day that Adam and Eve sinned, God began to announce His wondrous plan to redeem sinners

    and finally, your last question

    who are the meek that will inherit the earth, if born agains go to heaven, the rest go to hell.

    There will be a thousand year reign on earth after the second coming, those who have made it to heaven or who have been born again will be there (so this means Jesus will view all those who have been born again as meek, meek in spirit in that they gave themselves up, their own wants and desires, for Christ)

    I would like to conclude with the following observations on Adam and Eve?s original sin and why God needed to judge that sin and how God?s reaction to the sin has echoed down throughout the ages and how His heart?s cry still echoes in our heart today when we sin?..

    Like Satan, Adam had rejected God's rule over him. Could God just say, "It's no big deal!" and let Adam go free without judging him? Never! God is holy and He must judge sin! God can never approve evil. He must punish it. The prophet Habakkuk wrote: "My God, my Holy One?your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate wrong!" (Hab. 1:12,13) Yes, "The Lord will judge His people! It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!" (Heb. 10:30,31) God's holy nature requires that He judge and punish every sin. Therefore, it was necessary that He judge Adam and Eve because of their sin. That is why immediately after Adam sinned we read: "But the Lord God called to the man, 'Where are you?'" (Gen. 3:9)

    What did God do after Adam sinned? God went seeking after Adam, calling out to him, "Where are you?" Did Adam go looking for God? No! He was trying to hide from God! Why did God call out to Adam? Didn't He know where Adam was? God, who sees and knows everything, knew exactly where Adam was hiding! God called out to Adam, because He wanted Adam to recognize and confess his sin before Him. God still loved Adam although he had disobeyed Him.
    What did Adam reply when God asked, "Where are you?" The Scriptures say:
    ?Adam answered, 'I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.' And the Lord God said, 'Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree from which I commanded you not to eat?' [Adam] said, 'The woman you put here with me, she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.' Then the Lord God said to the woman, 'What is this you have done?' The woman said, 'The serpent deceived me, and I ate.'" (Gen. 3:10-13)

    Did you hear how Adam and Eve answered God? Each tried to blame someone else. Adam accused both God and Eve, saying: It's not my fault! The woman you gave me--it's her fault! As for Eve, she blamed the serpent saying, Don't blame me--the serpent deceived me! However, God who knows the heart of man, knew that they were both guilty. God did not make them eat the fruit of the tree. Satan also did not make them eat it. Satan can tempt and deceive people, but he cannot force anyone to sin. Satan deceived Eve, but what she did was still sin before God. As for Adam, the Scripture tells us that he was not deceived. (1 Tim. 2:14)

    When Adam chose to sin he consciously chose to go his own way, He was not deceived by the serpent like Eve Adam knew exactly what God had commanded, but he chose to stray from the way of righteousness, and follow the way of unrighteousness. And he didn't stop with disobeying God, but added sin to his sin by trying to put the blame on others.

    To this day, people still attempt to blame others for their transgressions, but God knows the truth. Through the Holy Scriptures, God is speaking to people, saying: Where are you? Answer me! What have you done? Why do you refuse to believe and obey my Word? Why do you despise my goodness? Why do you try to blame others for your own sin? "'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'Every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God."(Rom. 14:11,12)

    God desires for us to be in His presence, he wants us to draw near to Him, to His presence, as it is written, ?if you draw near to me I will draw near to you?..that is God?s heart cry, intimacy with His people, with His creation?he yearns for us?.where are you He cries, when we hide ourselves from His face in our sin?

    A Prayer For All
    Lord, I draw close to You today, grateful that You will draw close to me as You have promised in Your Word (James 4:8). I long to dwell in Your presence, and my desire is for a deeper and more intimate relationship with You. I want to know You in every way You can be known. Teach me what I need to learn in order to know You better. I don?t want to be a person who is ?always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth? (2 Timothy 3:7). I want to know the truth about who You are, because I know that You are near to all who call upon You in truth (Psalm 145:18).
    I am open to whatever You want to do in me. I don?t want to limit You by neglecting to acknowledge You in every way possible. I declare this day that You are my Healer, my Deliverer, my Redeemer, and my Comforter. Today I especially need to know You as God Almighty, the Alpha and the Omega, the Great I AM
    God, help me to set aside time each day to meet with You alone. Enable me to resist and eliminate all that would keep me from it. Teach me to pray the way You want me to. Help me to learn more about You. Lord, you have said, ?If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink? (John 7:37). I thirst for more of You because I am in a dry place without You. I come to You this day and drink deeply of Your Spirit.
    I know You are everywhere, but I also know that there are deeper manifestations of Your presence that I long to experience. Draw me close so that I may dwell in Your presence like never before.

  • seattleniceguy
    How can we reconcile death and eternal Hell?

    Easy. Death means the cessation of life, and eternal Hell is a fairy tale created by people who wanted to control other people via fear. Hope that clears things up!


  • holly
    The punishment of the wicked is as never-ending as the bliss of the righteous. Unbelievers are not given a second chance, nor are they annihilated. The punishment of the wicked dead is described throughout Scripture as "everlasting fire" (Matt 25:41); "

    Hi, got to go to work shortly, so will post again when i get chance, but just wanted to pick out these words. I left the church because I could not reconcile myself to the fact that for a few years of sin on this earth, I would be condemned to everlasting damnation. It scared the life out of me growing up, and that fear continued into adulthood. I truly believe in God, our creator of of everything that exists. but if I thought for one minute, that the church's view of hell as a place of eternal punishment was true, then I would never want to have anything to do with a creator who could send people to such a place. I couldnt do it, and Im human, so how could a loving God?


  • JamesThomas

    Dear Holly, good for you, follow your inner wisdom.

    I seriously doubt that anyone could imagine an evil more vile than the eternal torture of men, women and children. Yet, there are those so blinded and numbed by teachings of some old book, that they would sit back and watch every other man woman and child be killed and/or eternally harmed, and call this the most righteous, loving and highest good of the most High. To reduce the Source of this wondrous universe to such an evil and repugnant thing is pure insanity.

    Holly, truth and Divinity is not discovered through blind belief in crazy man-made deities and books about them; but rather by going silently deeper into the clear pool of inner wisdom which you have already found. God, is not so unloving as to not already given what we seek.

    JerichoForce, you ask in your closing prayer to draw closer to God. I suggest you throw your Bible in the fire and spend more open and quite time in nature; and let go of the ton of scriptures that you cherish and just be still. It is only your Christian ideas and beliefs which reduced and belittled God to a tiny object far away. They couldn't be any less true.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    I seriously doubt that anyone could imagine an evil more vile than the eternal torture of men, women and children.

    Yes, but that's what the jws next to us attempt for our family on a daily basis. Death seems an injustice for such a stinking evil.

  • 144001

    . . . yawning

    Long post, Jericho, but just one problem: notwithstanding its own self-serving claims to the contrary, the bible was written by man and inspired by greed for power and money. It has been used by the few for the purpose of controlling the many. It is equivalent to the Greek myths as far as its merit as an explanation of human origin, although far less interesting. Thanks but no thanks!

  • stillajwexelder

    Easy. Death means the cessation of life, and eternal Hell is a fairy tale created by people who wanted to control other people via fear. Hope that clears things up! SNG

    EXACTLY - Plato I believe

  • JerichoForce

    Easy. Death means the cessation of life

    So what you really advocate is a world of lawlessness. In your world I can do anything, behave anyway I like with relative impunity because at the end of the day I will die into blissful oblivion and know nothing of the consequences of my actions. It is this same lawlessness that the ruler of darkness of this world takes delight in... In this world everything that is good (remember when God created the world He called it good) breaks down and is destroyed, everyone is out for him/herself because that is all that counts, to maximise pleasure for oneself while here on this world and go out on top, no prisoners, no mercy to those who get in the way....you want proof, just take a look around you, in the last 50 years countless families smashed and pulled apart as their parents give up on their marriage in divorce, lawlessness, the enemy of this world wants to smash and tear families apart and destroy childrens lives. The King of this world wants partners in a marriage to esteem one another over and above themselves and to uphold the integrity of their childrens lives (antithesis to lawlessness), I could cite countless other examples. Bring it on....

    .... a fairy tale created by people who wanted to control other people via fear. Hope that clears things up!

    You say the bible and the concept of hell is used to control peoples lives by men through history, well man doesn't need a bible to control peoples lives. Let's look at some examples, Josef Stalin murdered twenty million of his countrymen in a lawless and Godless Russia, in the name of man's great and wise notion of utopia, communism, but then, I think he just did it in the name of lawless tyranny, the sort of world where power was everything and he could die in oblivion, no consequiences, no accountability...great stuff..Gee, can I live in this great world too...?

    Adolf Hitler....six million Jews and the weakest members of society gassed and slaughtered, no bible or religion here either, just another deluded man seeking glory in a world with no accountability....

    The reason why the argument that the bible is merely a book written by man to control people is so weak is that at the end of the day, man doesn't need the bible or the thought of hell to control, as the above examples and numerous others I could cite illustrate, man will seek to control any way and by any means he has available to him, he can do it with 'religion', he can do it without religion...Just because fallen and imperfect men have in different movements in history twisted and distorted God's word in the bible to use as a control mechanism over people doesn't mean the bible containing God's word must therefore be wrong, controlling and unworthy of pursuit. I can take a bar of gold, melt it down and mix it with various impurities and then make it back into a bar again, but is it pure anymore? No, man can take God's word and use it to try and control other people's lives and twist it to suit their own ends, but is it God's word anymore? No, no more than the gold bar is pure gold anymore once mixed with impurities....Does this mean it wasn't gold to start with or that by removing the impurities it won't be pure gold again? The same is true with the bible, just becausre man has misused it in the past to control and destroy others for his own sense of power and control bears no relationship to the essential truth of God's word, there for all of us to discover if we look for ourselves, we don't need a manmade organisation like JW's to come and intepret it for us, God promises we can understand it ourselves if we have an open heart...'for he will lead you into all truth'.....'there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed...

    The bible in itself is not about 'religion', it is about restoration of 'relationship' with our creator who longs for and desires a relationship with us, who seeks to be our best and most intimate friend, our comforter, our stremgth when we have none left, our deliverer our inspiration our joy....I could go on. It is not about control and manipulation, if that is what you think then you have never really known 'WHO He is' for yourself, you might know about Him but you don't know Him...So you can say what you like but you speak from ignorance, you try to tell me about a God that you have never known, never had an encounter with the way that I have and expect me to give your opinion credance..That is like me reading about a person in a magazine and basing my entire opinion of them on that basis and expecting someone who knows that person intimately, who has taken years of establishing a deep relationship with that person, to believe what I think, from the little article I have read to be the true reflection of that person...Excuse me, I don't think so.....

    You see a God of control, I see a God who put in place a set of criteria about the way that we should live our lives so that there is a sense of order about our life, so that we realise we are accountable for our actions and the impact they have on others in this life. I see a God who desires only the best for me and my life and that of my family, a God who wants to empower me in every area of my life, His rules don't control me, they strengthen me, I don't love Him because like a little boy I want a sweet at the end of it all, I love Him because of WHO HE is, I love Him because he sacrificed himself for me, He esteemed me over His own Son, he bankrupted heaven of His most prized possession, that is how desperate He was to be able to have a relationship with me, to cover my sin and shame with the blood of His precious son...even if it meant I went into oblivion at the end of this life I would still love Him and honour Him for giving up everything for me so that I can connect with and have relationship with my creator who loves me more than I love myself...perfect and unconditional love, something I can never get from any person in this life, not from my parents not from my wife...His is the only love that never changes no matter what I do or think I have done. For that reason first and foremost I love and honour Him..

    JerichoForce, you ask in your closing prayer to draw closer to God. I suggest you throw your Bible in the fire and spend more open and quite time in nature; and let go of the ton of scriptures that you cherish and just be still. It is only your Christian ideas and beliefs which reduced and belittled God to a tiny object far away. They couldn't be any less true.

    I don't need to be in nature, sitting there and being still to know His awesomeness, I can sit on a train in the city and be still and KNOW WHO he is, and talk to Him and draw near to Him. When Jesus died on the cross the veil to the most Holy of holies in the temple was split in two, the veil that seperated His glory from man and so now I can come before His throne of Grace anytime I like, I can come to Him and be in His presence any time I like... He sees me not stained by my sin and rebellion against what is good but as perfect and blameless before Him, covered by the blood of His only Son...

    1 Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness

    When Jesus started His ministry on earth he said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised".

    This is the God that I serve one whose focus was and is on the poor and thirsty in spirit the one who came to bring healing to our broken spirit, to give sight to the blind, the one who came as my deliverer...I serve a God of infinite love....

    The one who promises me that if I drink from the water He has I will never thirst...

    I would gladly lay down my life for the one who laid down His life for me....I love the one that was 'crushed' and tortured for my sin and yours, so that we might have an eternal hope...Do you really think that if it was possible to save man from eternal seperation from God by any other means that God would have sacrificed the treasure of Heaven to be slaughtered like a criminal, would you give up your Son for someone who hated and despised you?
    Romans 5:8 " But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

    I seriously doubt that anyone could imagine an evil more vile than the eternal torture of men, women and children. Yet, there are those so blinded and numbed by teachings of some old book, that they would sit back and watch every other man woman and child be killed and/or eternally harmed, and call this the most righteous, loving and highest good of the most High.

    So what sort of God do I serve...

    "For He is a God who is passionate about His relationship with you" Ex 34:14

    How precious are your thoughts about me, O God
    They are innumerable!.
    I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of the samd (Psalms 139:17-18)

    His thoughts about each one of us are more than all the grains of the sand in the world....

    "I the Son of Man have come to seek and save..those who are lost.

    He didn't just come to save, He came to SEEK us as well, even when we were at enmity and in rebellion against Him.. He seeks you to...

    Do you know how much He values you, how much He desires to have an intimate one on one relationship with you?

    The apostle Paul said, "God brought you with a High price" (1 Cor 6:20). In Eph 1:7 - The Father is so rich in kindness that He purchased our freedom through the blood of His son"..

    There is no one or nothing more valuable to God in this universe than His Son, Jesus. Yet with this purchase God declared our 'value' as compared to His greatest treasure. If we would have been worth one cent less to God than the value of Jesus Himself, the Father would never have given Him... Jesus later confirms this thought, "I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one as we are - I in them and You in me, all being perfected into one. Then the world will know that you sent me and will understand that you 'love them as much as you love me". Jesus declares that the Father loves us as much as He loves Jesus...Do you see your 'true worth to Him', do you see why He pursues you?

    This is the God of infinite love, passion, grace and mercy of whom I cannot fathom that I gladly serve, this life is an opportunity to serve Him and for the small amount of time I am here in the scope of eternity I will honour Him with everything inside of me. I Love Him and desire Him because He loves and desires me, because He sacrificed Himself for me and bore the sin that should have seperated me from His Holy presence for eternity, now I have a blessed and eternal hope.

    ...and to dearest Holly...

    Yes, Hell doesn't sound pleasant, why do you think our purchase price was so high, that God had to have His only Son slaughtered for us...I could go through all the scriptures on eternal punishment suffice it here to say that the flames are not literal, they represent the offence of a Holy God who has been not only rejected by sinful man but who is abused and struck every time we pile up our sins and swim in it's filth...those who hear of the free gift of salvation but reject Him and His Holy ways for their own desires. The torture of Hell is not physical pain but the spiritual torment of being sperated from the presence of the King of Kings for eternity. That is why Jesus was so desperate to create a means for us to have the hope of eternal life in His presence, whenever He loses one to the enemy of this world He is losing something that is irreplaceable and for all eternity...It is everyones's choice whether to reject or accept that gift....

    Hundereds of thousands have been persecuted in His name, they had no one controlling them, the bible wasn't used to coerce them, they declared their love for who He was and what He did for them.... for them it was nothing to lay down their lives for the one who laid down His life for them, no they were not all crazy, they were in love with their Heavenly Father....and they had the confident assurance of knowing that what awaited them was better than anything this life could offer..

    Sure, some men in the past have used the bible to try and control and they will be accountable to Him on the day of judgement. Ask most outside sects such as JW's who are christians whether the bible is used to control them? The answer will be a resounding NO, the bible is our precious gift from God on how to honour Him with our life, how to love, how to sacrifice, how to build up and edify, how to cherish one's family, neighbhour, wife...How to live a life of abundant blessing now and to to be able to live with what Paul called our 'blessed' hope.

    For those who so easily dismiss the power of God's word and deny the reality of Jesus, remember that He still loves you, your disbelief changes nothing, you are valuable to Him, more precious than you can know, if you seek Him with an open heart you will find Him..It doesn't matter who you are or what you have done, you are His hearts desire, He loves you with passion and He gave up His Son for you. Call on Him and He will save you and you will have the hope of eternal life in his Holy and awesome presence...

    By the way anytime anyone in this forum wants to dispute the bible, I say bring it on...Can you prove it isn' t His inspired word and the argument that it was 'just written by men' is hopelessly weak. I'll take any argument on, historical sources, archaelogical evidence, you name it, just start the thread and let's go...

    Atheists are amazed when christians are ready to sacrifice their lives rather than deny a God no one can see. They don't understand the deep work of the Holy Spirit and how He makes both the Fathers love and heaven an undeniable reality in the heart of a believer...

    Again, in the words of Paul "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us

    In 1994 Pastor Mehdi Dibaj was sentenced to death in Iran for preaching to Muslims, his courageous words to the Muslim court that sentenced him to death sum up completely what is in the heart of all those who today are passionately committed to their relationship with Jesus and the heart of all those who in the past have given their lives for their belief in Him..

    "Jesus asked me to renounce even my life, to follow Him faithfully, not to fear the world even though my body must perish. I prefer to know that God, the Almighty is with me, even if it means the whole world is against me. Of all the prophets, Jesus alone was ressurected from the dead and remains our living mediator forever. I gave my life into His hands. For me, life is an opportunity to serve Him and death is the privilege of going to be with Him..."

    One can use all the excuses in the world claiming what man has done to abuse 'religion', but this has nothing to do with whether you personally accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour....

    The bottom line is that we live in a fallen world, a world where there is a force of evil and of good, a world of law and a world of lawlessness. The question to answer is are these just inanimate forces in a chaotic universe randomly containing order and disorder or whether you believe the explanation in the bible (and I will call it God's inspired word), that there is a Holy God and creator of the universe who is at war with the ruler of darkness of this world who stands in opposition to everything that God represents, light versus darkness, good versus evil, order versus disorder, morality versus immorality...and that this same God gave His only Son Jesus, to bring light and salvation to the world, to heal the broken hearted, to give water to the thirsty, to offer Himself up as a once and for all sacrifice for our sins.....You are either for God or against Him, your choice doesn't matter just now, it counts for eternity, the wrong decision will cost you eternal seperation from the loving and Holy creator of this universe...

    I know where I stand, I hope you do to...I will finish with the words of well known and, persecuted Pastor Wirmbrand of Romania,

    "For years I was kept alone in a cell, never did I see a man except the interrogators who beat and tortured me. Never did I see sun, moon, stars, flowers. Never did I see a man except the interrogators who beat and tortured me. Never did I have a book, never a bit of paper. To make the feeling of isolation worse, the prison was kept completely silent.. Even the guards had cloth shoes so that they could not be heard. When we were first put in solitary confinement it was like dying, I was in the depths of remorse and pain, when suddenly, the wall of the jail began to shine like diamonds. I have seen many beautiful things, but never have I seen the beauties which I have seen in the dark cell beneath the earth. Never have I heard such beautiful music as on that day.. The King of Kings, Jesus was with us. We saw His understanding loving eyes. He wiped our tears away. He sent us words of love and words of forgiveness. We knew that everything that had been evil in our lives had passed away, had been forgotten by God. We didn't know we were in prison. Sometimes when we were beaten and tortured, we were like St Stephen, who while they threw stones at him, did not see his murderers, did not see the stones, but saw heaven open and Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father. In the same way we didn't see the Communist torturers. We didn't see that we were in prison. We were surrounded by angels, we were with God..."

  • AlmostAtheist
    Easy. Death means the cessation of life

    So what you really advocate is a world of lawlessness.

    Um... no. I'm pretty sure that's not what he was saying. The fact that I won't burn forever in hell doesn't give me free reign to do whatever I want. If I steal, I go to jail and my precious time on the earth is reduced. If I murder, it's even worse.

    The Bible creates people that only see in black and white. Oh, you're not a JW? Then you're an evil apostate. You don't believe the Bible? Then you must be a lawless loser. JT describes a world of vibrant color, why limit yourself to black and white?

    (And Dude, NOBODY is reading all your posts. You gotta learn to summarize.)


  • JerichoForce

    ...and by the way JamesThomas, it is not true that children will be seperated from God when they die...

    In 2 Samuel 12, King David?s newborn son fell terminally ill. After seven days, the child died. In verses 22 and 23, the Bible records that David said: ?While the child was alive, I fasted and wept; for I said, ?Who can tell whether the Lord will be gracious to me, that the child may live?? But now he is dead; why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.? It is clear that David?s dead infant son would never return to this Earth, but David also said that one day, he would go to be with his son. Through inspiration, David documented that his own eternal destination was going to be ?in the house of the Lord? (Psalm 23:6). Therefore, we can conclude that ?the house of the Lord? would be the eternal destination of his infant son to whom David would one day go. King David was looking forward to the day when he would be able to meet his son in heaven. Absolutely nothing in this context gives any hint that the dead infant son?s soul would go to hell.

    Furthermore, Jesus said in Matthew 18:3-5:

    Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.

    And in Luke 18:16-17, Jesus remarked: ?Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.?

    Therefore, we have been given a specific example in the Old Testament of an infant who died and would live forever in heaven. And Jesus Christ Himself, in the New Testament, stated that little children retain the qualities that make a person eligible to inherit the kingdom of God. We see, then, that infants and small children that die are in a safe state, and will live eternally in heaven.

    Some people have taught that sin is ?passed? from one generation to the next. It is believed by many religious people that children ?inherit? the sins of their parents. Yet, the Bible pointedly and explicitly teaches that such is not the case. In Ezekiel 18:20, the Bible says: ?The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son.? Also, in Exodus 32, Moses pleaded with God to forgive the sins of the Israelites when he said: ?Yet now, if You will forgive their sin?but if not, I pray, blot me out of Your book which You have written. And the Lord said to Moses, ?Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book? ? (Exodus 32:32-33). The Bible is plain in its teaching that babies do not inherit the sins of their parents.

    The Bible nowhere teaches that babies and children go to hell if they die in infancy. Neither does it teach that they inherit the sins of their parents. Skeptics have tried to portray God as an evil tyrant Who condemns innocent children to eternal destruction, their arguments are without merit or any semblance of biblical credence. In the words of Jesus Christ, ?Let the little children come to me.?

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