Proverbs 22: 6 says, "Train up a boy according to the way for him; even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it."
I heard this scripture cited at a District Convention and used to show that if the family heads were indeed training their children properly than this scripture would be proved out- because "God" cannot lie. Also, it was pointed out that this scripture doesn't say "he might not" or "probably won't" turn aside- it says he won't turn aside .
Then the speaker had all the young people stand up and asked them to look around at each other. Then he pointed out that by the time they reached 20 years of age that 7 out of 10 would no longer be "in the truth".
Does this not prove that WTS is not teaching "the truth", the fact that so many infact DO TURN ASIDE when they grow old? The oppressive legalistic, rules oriented, TC (theocratically correct), superficial, man made doctrines of the WTS are unsustainable to live by.
Whereas Christ's teachings seem to be easy and are seem to be the "natural" way to live- without the influence of organized religion.
"By their fruits you will know them..."