filthy kingdom halls

by what_Truth? 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Daughter of Freedom
    Daughter of Freedom

    However I was in one congregation where the hall was an old church building complete with graveyard. By law the graves could not be removed.
    Peppermint- I'm AMAZED by this, I mean really AMAZED. I can hardly believe that the JW's adopted a church which had effectively been used for worshipping 'Satan'. WOW. I can even remember being told that we couldn't attend events being held at a Church Hall, say a jumble sale or something like that- and I now I see this. A-M-A-Z-E-D.


  • Peppermint


    When I moved to this part of the country (Devon) it surprised me as well. We never had converted churches in the London area.

  • ValiantBoy

    The halls I went to were alwys very clean inside. THe hall at valliant would at times have a grown over lawn and the shrubs would need pruning. Some of the other halls in our circuit...notably Prescott, AR and Camden, AR ...had very unkempt lawns. It was disgraceful.

  • brutusmaximus

    The KH in Berwick Upon Tweed is in an old church. We went there when we were on holiday, great for hide and seek.


    My old hall used to be a converted bowling alley another cool place for hide and seek.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    People don't want the cleaning detail anymore. It has always been a sore subject in my congregation.

    If I happen to be at a meeting in which they announce my group as the one having to clean the KH that night, I'm the first one out the door in a hurry.

    I very seldom go to meetings to begin with, I never use their bathroom when I attend such meetings, ain't no way I'm cleaning them.

    The contributions at the KH are very healthy, and there are many brothers that have cleaning companies. Have them clean it, or have them hire somebody to do it.


  • freedom96

    The halls I attended were always kept up very well.

  • Kenneson

    The hall I attended was always clean.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Daughter of Freedom,

    Welcome to the forum! You may be equally amazed to know that the society frequently SELLS kingdom halls to other churches knowingly!

    Anything for a buck....

  • Poztate
    The men's room had a permanently yellow floor from the many untreated misfires.

    Sorry...Just loved that word...Know what you mean...

  • Honesty

    I can't remember other than the filth spewing forth from the platform at the KH. The apostate Babylon the Great church I belong to now is immaculate and looks and sounds like God's house should... clean building with big windows, live plants, lots of singing praises to God and His Son, bible truths and no interpretations from God's channel = spiritual paradise, paid maintenance people, over 1000 in attendance at every meeting, pastors who are really shepherds and not gestapo agents, blue jeans, suits, pantsuits, whatever you want to wear, sinners galore but trying to be better. How did I ever manage in Jehovah's organisation with all the fine meat in due season?

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