So sorry Sassy things are so bad : (
by stillajwexelder 19 Replies latest jw friends
I've tried to call you a couple of times this last month, and no answer...and I was getting a bit worried.
If you'd like to chat for a bit this weekend, p/m Kate or me the best number to reach you.
My very best regards,
alias!! Girlfriend I miss you!!
thanks KLS.. its not over yet.. just tough right now..
Ona.. yeah.. long story about why the phone has been disconnected a lot..
but I am moving this weekend and Monday/Tues and will be out of town this week.. so.. we'll have to touch base later..
I know about you and phone calls.. and I don't have hours to give up for a call right now..
I know about you and phone calls.. and I don't have hours to give up for a call right now..
You go, girl! and do what you must do.
I'll be thinking about ya.
yeah.. you got that right......between my financial distresses and almost being evicted out of my apartment with no where to go.. I'd say I've been busy dealing with life..
not to mention my bf and I almost broke up twice in the past two weeks... and even now chance are 50/50 we'll make it..
Sassy, you are so nice. I hate to see you put through all this. I will send very positive messages to whoever it is that left us all here. I'll tell him/her that Sassy need some relief and some good reasons to smile.
I hope the bluebird of happiness flies into your life and stays there.
We all love ya Sassy
I love all of you guys too Stilla!!
and thanks Ona and Flyinhigh
((((((( Sassy )))))))
Do what you need to do. I know, even if ya don't wanna, ya gotta. You have my permission (even though you don't need it) to take things easy when you must, take a long hot bath, and don't forget to breathe.
Remember, this tough time won't last.
Hugs and love
Thanks for the chat last night Sassy. Hang in there, you're going to be ok in the end.
Thanks Brenda..
and thanks Puternut.. it was nice chatting with you too.. next time hopefully I will have more time!