When I was young and inexperienced as a dub , I used to wrestle with my conscience if I wanted to see a film that was considered risque, or go to live music gig to see a group play ...Later on I was able to reason on things a little better. I viewed real "worldliness" as the mean spirited , self righteous attitude that condemned others. I tried to weave that into talks - to say that such an attitude is really indicative of the "spirit of the world", rather than things like watching a certain TV programme. The audiences seemed unmoved. It is all superflous now of course....
Questions About Being Worldly
by Golf 26 Replies latest social family
Hey BB, wouldn't it great to know what 'worldly' things the GB did behind the scenes? Why go behind the scenes, some of them were treated with ROYALITY! They were given 'worldly' praises. Can you name others?
Golf -
I have noticed the the WTS is trying to be more PC.
Since 1997 the references to "worldly people," "worldly persons," and "worldly person" has drooped down to only a few references in the WT publications based on my search of the WT-CD 2003. Instead, they are using "non-Witnesses" more often. I can remember some comment at the KH that JWs should try not to use that phrase around "worldly" people.
w03 3/1 p. 4 Religious Persecution?Why? ***And let us see what everyone, Witnesses and non-Witnesses, can learn from their experiences.
Big Dog
I was never a good witness, I just had the misfortune of being born into the WBTS. Growing up I was constantly digging my heels in, I didn't want to go to meetings, didn't want to give talks, didn't want to go out in service. I hid the fact that my family was JW as much as humanly possible, especially at school. I was never a "bad" kid, the things that attracted me were sports, social events, dances, etc. I wasn't interested in drinking, smoking, etc. so that put my parents in a tough position of wanting to punish me for being a "normal" kid. When I got a job at 16 and my first car I starting doing the big fade, on the day that I graduated from High School it was over and I never looked back. I always felt worldly was who I was, I never ever felt like I was a witness from day one, so when I was truly able to become worldly I felt comforatable for the first time in my life.
That's beautiful Blondie, thanks for the info. I guess their commnications skills are getting up-dated. 'Out' with the old and 'in' with the new.
So, Big Dog your a 'comfortable' worldly person, that's cool! The difference between you and I was, I DID SPORTS! -
Big Dog
Golf, I guess you missed my post on the sports thread, I did sports too, snuck around for two years until I got caught! They believed the outrageous lies I told about where I was because I never got in trouble as a kid. Once I got caught I threw down the guantlet and we made a deal, I could play, but if I didn't have a game or practice I had to go to the meetings. So as a junior and senior I got to play without having to hid my equipment at a friends house.
OK, Big Dog, I did miss that. Here's a big difference, I didn't have to hide! Our 'era' of being witnesses differed. Having a TV in 1950 was a big thing in my neighborhood.
Your right, this thing about not playing sports is crazy. The org. in later years never allowed children to be children, this is a big no-no. I'm glad that I was able to do the things I did. It allowed me to do other crazy things too.
Enjoyed your comments.
Golf -
Big Dog
Golf, when I was growing up, mainly the 70's it was just a relentless march on everything that was considered worldly, I mean they just got crazy. I remember my mom taking my chess set away because chess was like warfare and that was worldly. When I was young I think the borg hit the height of just reducing anything that wasn't going to the meetings or out in service as a worldly activity.
In my days I've done many things that didn't bother my conscious,
I'll bet you 5 bucks you never held a position in the congregation either.......did ya?
There was this one busy-body Sister? in our congregation who was always counselling me that something I was doing was Worldly?. Reading Glamour magazine was Worldly?. Going to sleepovers at my friend's house (her dad was an Elder?) was Worldly?. My open-toed sandals were Worldly?. My v-necked dress was Worldly?. My pastel coloured panty-hose were Worldly?. Wearing a halter top and denim shorts in the summer was Worldly?. Going out for dinner with a group of JW young adult friends was Worldly?.
The way she talked, it was as though I was a total ho. There was nothing I could have done to escape the Worldly? label she kept trying to brand me with. Even when I was Auxiliary Pioneering?, she'd go on and on about how Worldly? she thought I was.
I hate that word.