unsuspecting JW found UN letter

by keeshah 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • TheEdge
    It can't be true. It says the Society joined the UN! How could anyone believe that?!! There must be apostates at the UN. Does the Society know about this? Why don't they get the letter removed?
    This shows how close the end is, when the "beast" is persecuting Jehovah's people with lies like this. The apostates are trying to destroy our reputation by saying we compromised our neutrality with the "disgusting thing".

    SO is THIS candidlynuts - in response to reading the UN NGO letter......lol....

  • TheEdge

    Actually - I can't decide if the above quote is funny or sad - is the average Rank and File member aware of the UN thing? - I suspect not, and yet I'm told by ''members'' that they are required to keep abreast of the News in order to be well informed when out ''on the knocker''.

  • TheEdge

    IN FACT - it's so unbelievable, it must be a wind-up!!!

  • kwintestal

    My dad had the same reaction. He said that the UN was run by Satan, therefore anything that comes from them can't be trusted. I believe that's called, being paranoid! It's a conspiracy to get the JWs!


  • lawrence

    U.N. / WTS what's the difference. All Killers, who say they know what is good for mankind. All these old bastards should die, and leave the rest of us alone to do what WE BELIEVE. I hope all the U.N. reps and WTS reps fornicate together in hell, because they're all cut from the same cloth drenched in blood. May God rain fire on Brooklyn!

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Morning kwin

    Maybe you should start studying the book Babylon the Great again! (or were you too young for that one?)

    I had to put a "M" for mature on the front of the book, it is definitely one heck of a story.

    Would anyone reading that book today think that the organization that produced it (& called it "the Truth") could be trusted?

    That is when their term "truth" truly becomes offensive.


  • candidlynuts
    SO is THIS candidlynuts - in response to reading the UN NGO letter......lol....

    lol edge. i hope that was used as a verb not a proper noun!

  • TheEdge

    Lol Candidlynuts -it was a quote from someone on the WitnessWorld site upon reading the UN letter - but I'm beginning to think it's a joke from an apostate - I mean, for Goodness Sake, WHO could BE THAT stupid?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    It can't be true. It says the Society joined the UN! How could anyone believe that?!! There must be apostates at the UN. Does the Society know about this? Why don't they get the letter removed?
    This shows how close the end is, when the "beast" is persecuting Jehovah's people with lies like this. The apostates are trying to destroy our reputation by saying we compromised our neutrality with the "disgusting thing".

    First of all - why would there be anyone at the UN interested in defaming the witness community?

    Second - what does the writer think - that the Society controls the internet, and can command that anything offensive (whether true or false) be removed?

    Third - the UN is a powerful organization. It could wield great power in slowing the work of JW's if it wanted to. Why would it bother with such an effort to scandalize?

    Forth - the UN does not consider itself the 'disgusting thing'. From their perspective, organizations that become NGO's are honorable organizations that support the UN's efforts to meet it's objectives.

    Fifth - How does this show that the end is near? To me it just shows that the WTBTS got caught in another lie and deception. Perhaps the writer need to read the history of the organization. Of course he would have to look outside the organizational literature for a 'real' history, and God forbid he ever does that!

    Just my opinion


  • iiz2cool

    I just spent the last 20 minutes reading posts on that site, and now my stomach's churning. I'm appalled at the thought that at one time, I thought, spoke, and acted as stupidly as these people.


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