Anyone notice the extra foot in the pic in the back of the tan songbook?
NOTICE????? Heck, trying to figure out what was up with that pic is the only thing that kept me sane through many assemblies!!!!
The first time I showed it to my (now ex-) wife, she thought is was funny, as did I. Toward the end of my exit, if she even caught me looking at it she would give me that "holier-than-thou" look of disgust.
Other funny things about that pic:
- all of the feet are messed up! Or should I say, the legs and body curve at impossible directions in order to meet up with the feed. Rickets? Scabies? What cause bone deformations like this? I though the handi-capped were not allowed to enter the temple; how did these guys sneak in?
- the old guy just right of the fold, in the purple sash, is grasping his chest and appears to be having a heart attack
~Quotes, of the "Accompanying My Mind With Mindless Amusements" class