This is one of the imminent problems that arise when the Bible is taken as a literal truth. Sure, some events did happen as corroborated by other historical sources, but when it goes into the paranormal, it is best to read it in the spirit in which it was written: Parables and metaphores to ilustrate concepts .
So when it is proven wrong it becomes a parable?
Is there no absolute truth to the bible? If not then how can it be authoritative? How can you have faith in a parable or fable? How can a parable or fable govern your whole life?
The more I observe people ignoring true reality and hard evidence because it compromises their ?faith? the more I regress to my former statements that the religious ones are mentally ill. I mean that in the sincerest sense and in no way as an insult. If we took a person and observed him behaving, speaking to and governing his life by some other book or thing we would all agree the person was mentally ill.
For instance, let?s say that Englishman believed that there was a saskquatch that visited him and he had a document written (supposedly by his hairy friend) we would all examine the document and any protestation by Englishman that his Sasquatch Bible was a mixture of truth and parable would meet with derision by all of us. We would surely say Englishman had been bitten by one too many fleas or choked on his soup. However, this is entirely what we are expected to do for God and believers in him. Englishman can probably find more evidence of the existence of a sasquatch than you can find evidence of God. But because it?s ?god? the believers get a pass.
BTW: Englishman really does believe in the supremacy of a sasquatch.