I actually went to the meeting this morning (okay, sumeone talked me into going)...........God it was boring.......something about Jesus and the kingdom and frigging Deuteronomy and Hebrews and Jeremiah-was-a-bullfrog...........and then they talked about Old Faithful: Mathew 28:19 20 "Go therefore and piss everyone off selling Btochtower and Asleep magazines to all the inhabitents of the earth. An' look: I am with you every frigging Saturday morning till the government bans your sorry asses."
I escaped after the first meeting and met the stares of several good christians wanting to know why I was leaving half way through......I told the asshole elder who followed me outside: " I'VE GOT MY PERIOD!!" (which I didn't......heh-heh-heh) so the dickhead turned beat red and didn't question me further. Dumb asshole. Ya, no matter how much they teach them in elder school, I'll bet that's one subject they don't bother training them for!! LMAO!!
When was the last time anyone here went to a meeting?