Anyone vegetarian and why??????????

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brummie

    Sun, hiyaa, Shrimps and prawns are what candidlynuts refers to as seabugs ... blerk. I eat fish a lot but not seabugs, dont eat oyster or anything like that either...

  • upside/down

    I'm definitely not vegetarian- I think I'm descended from the T-Rex. I LOVE meat. I love ALL food actually (Sicilian!).

    I agree with the fact that modern animal "farming" is disgusting, but that's won't stop me. There are people treated worse than most pets in the US (dogs and cats have therapists, dentists, doctors, message, gourmet food etc- dispicable). I love animals (espcially with BBZ sauce) sorry I couldn't resist LOL. But I love people more.

    I respect vegetarians... I just don't like it when they act like the Dubs and want to "save" me from the evils of meat. I have friends (cliche) that are vegetarians and we have no probs. I don't advocate eating meat or anything else for that matter- moderation in ALL things.

    I have an extreme aversion to Dub fundie militant vegans that are out to save the "infidel" meat eaters. You know the ones I'm talking about. It's always us vs. them and they use the scripture about Daniel and his three companions eating only vegies and being so healthy and all... Well no offense but most of these types that I've known are pale and sickly and look anything but healthy.

    To each his own. But remember plants have feelings too!

    u/d (of the loves to bbq plants & animals class) no offense intended-please!

  • ezekiel3

    I consider a veggie diet far superior. For those of you who love flesh, do yourself a favor and back off the red stuff for a while. Your heart will thank you.

    Another issue that bugs me is the emotional detachment that most people have about the meat on their plates. They have no idea of the violence and mass-process required to provide this. A caveat is those who hunt. Listen, if you can kill an animal and gut it, my hat's off to you. Otherwise, stop the emotional disconnect.

    It comes down to the fact of conditioning. A rancher will love his horse and dog, recognize thier intelligence and personality, and then methodically ship a few-hundred head to the butcher. Meanwhile in France, horse is served with garnish. Meanwhile in Korea, they consider whether to classify dogs as "livestock" (no joke). Any med student will tell you a human thigh muscle "looks like meat."

    My new avatar is sourced from an animal rights site. The isolated sheep behind the wire aptly symbolizes the mental slavery JW enforce.

    Look at these photos the next time you order that bloody steak, I dare you. slaughterhouse.html photogallery/wollon/

  • upside/down

    I don't get it.

    I worked doing sub-contracting work in Denison Iowa for Farmland Foods and IBP (Iowa Beef & Pork). The whole state produces meat. I've been in the slaughter houses (we called 'em packing plants) and seen all their is to be seen in this regard. Yet, I and most people from that area still love meat!

    Yes, I hunt and to be honest I prefer "ranch"meat from the store. It tastes better and is so much EASIER to get.

    For the most part the meat industry that I've been exposed to here in the midwest is very humane (as humane as possible) and the operations are very clean, sanitary and the animals are "put down" quickly and painlessly (some would argue I'm sure).

    I also prefer leather to ANY man made material.

    But I also garden and love the fruits and veggies... I just don't get the "meat is murder" thing. Is eating veggies deforestation?

    If one believes in evolution, I don't see how they could ever argue against any form of consumption- i't all "natural" and part of the "process".

    u/d (of the "food" for thought class)

  • ezekiel3

    U/D, thanks for your comments. I hoped that someone from the industry would speak up. I don't put moral judgements on anyone who eats meat. And like I said, "hat's off to you." You understand the process.

    While there are "humane" facilities/ranches out there, there is a much larger factory slaughterhouse industry that is absolutely dispicable. But is the industry so bad or is it the careless public who's first concern is cheap hamburger?

    That careless public is you (not U/D) I mean you, the person reading this post. When was the last time you thought about the animal you were eating at the time? Did you stop to care if that Chicken McNugget had a life once? Have you watched an animal be lead to slaughter and killed?

    Say yes to those questions, and then throw it on the grill in good conscience.

  • upside/down

    zeke- agreed.

  • groovycat.
    I'm not vegitarian but I wont eat any form of processed meat or soups, pies etc that have minced meat in them. Oh, and I wont eat sea bugs...blerk


    I will only eat meat if I have prepared it (not butchered), and know within reason where it has come from i.e. local butcher supplied by local farms.

    Though from a hygienic and humane point of view I would prefer to do the whole thing myself, I lack the necessary skills and inclination. That is not to say however, that I do not appreciate what has to be done.

    So, just as I prefer to pay someone to pick my vegetables, clean and package them, I prefer to pay someone to butcher my meat, and in turn, I am paid to do something someone else can't or won't.

  • AlmostAtheist

    When we went to my parents for Thanksgiving, Zach (my 6-year-old) saw his first whole turkey cooked up and steaming on the table. Seeing what he fully recognized was an animal, he just couldn't eat it. He said, "No thanks, I don't eat animals." He was so appaled by it, we didn't push it. He'll pop chicken nuggets without a second thought, but seeing Foghorn Leghorn sitting there sans feathers was more than he could stomach!

    Dave, of the omnivore class

  • HappyDad

    I've tried the vegetarian route a few times and can't seem to stick with it. Maybe if I knew more about how to prepare different dishes I might have a better chance of it. I truely believe that a mostly or total veggie diet is the healthiest way to go.

    I would really love to succeed at it. I have high blood pressure and could really stand to lose weight too! The Dean Ornish way of reversing heart disease is something that is based on fact.

    Anyone got some suggestions how I can get started and succeed? I have a book called "The Gradual Vegetarian" but guess I really need motivation to stick to it.


  • iiz2cool

    I eat meat almost every day. I doubt I could be a vegetarian. I like vegetables, but they seem to run right through me. If I have a lot of veggies at dinner I'll spend half the night in the bathroom. My dad had the same problem his entire life.

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