When I read some comments here, it seems that some can be so full of themselves that if they are disagreed with, they will mock, castigate, or be elitist with their condescending opinions. Very ''Jehovah's Witnessy".
Do You Look Down On People Because They Don't Agree With You??
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
Well, Thats YOUR opinion isn't it!
Well we all were Wits once upon a time right? Yeah I've totally noticed that irritating quality in myself actually, I'm workin' on it..
I personally don't look down on others just because this disagree with me, or I with them. I enjoy learning other viewpoints, even if I ultimately don't agree.
......or, it could be that some are just jerks.
My opinion, yours, is the best at the time I, you think and formulate it, isn't it? Especially when the ground debated is religion, at least in my country. And so, the real grasp of what whas meant , require a constant attention,an open mind, to really understand other people. First, they are not our enemies Second, they are not our enemies Third,... Fourth, I don't want to become their enemies. Our enemy, I think at least for those who still believe in God,(and why not the others) is lie, not people.
in answer to your question... life is too short to be condescending or looking down on people...why bother...we all have our opinions its what contributes to making us different and ultimately human. Wouldnt life be boring if we all agreed!
If they can't offer a reason, than I might. It's hard to respect someone saying "Well I just disagree", but can't offer a logical reason why. Especially in the workplace discussing process issues.
I don't look down on them...
It's not their fault they are so ignorant and maligned. They are under Satan's control and I have the job... nay the PRIVILEGE of "correcting " them! Stupidity isn't alway your fault, maybe it's just bad genes.
Either way "God" put me here and I speak with authority because "God" told me so. So there!
How do you like them apples? (just nod and agree)
u/d (of the "me look down? class)
When I read some comments here, it seems that some can be so full of themselves that if they are disagreed with, they will mock, castigate, or be elitist with their condescending opinions. Very ''Jehovah's Witnessy".
Give us time to heal mun. We've been shitwrecked. P.S. "castigate" is that the same as castrate? It looks the same! Probably feels the same too eh? Dismembered