Are you easy to influence?

by JH 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Are you the type that's easily influenced by the opinion of others? I'm easy to influence, but once I'm back alone, I do what I wanted to do originally.

    How about you, are you easily influenced?

  • FairMind

    I usually go with the flow but I am not easily influenced when I think something will damage me.


  • confusedjw

    Absolutely not! And I think that my adult life proves this statement as I've only ever been involved with ONE mind controlling cult.

  • BrendaCloutier

    I take life easy, but I'm not easily influenced. I gave that up with JWdom.

    To have an opinion that is mine. To own my own mind. These are highly important to me as an ex-JW woman. I try to do so with intelligence and background instead of that old standby answer "just because".



  • pennycandy

    Yeah, what Brenda said.

    It's hard to learn to be discriminate in what you let influences you when you've always had your beliefs handed to you on a platter. In the last five years out, I think I've done a pretty good job. I've developed a new belief system, and take nothing at face value. I've learned to question even the things I hold dear. It was soooo hard at first, but the peace of mind and strength of character is worth it.

  • Honesty

    Not anymore. he he he

  • Brummie

    Nope, not easily. However, the ammount of influence a person can have on me depends on how much money they are offering j/k

  • jeanniebeanz

    That depends on how good the argument is... j/k

    Actually, I view things through *both* eyes nowadays. I do not ever want to end up in another situation that leaves me in a bad place.

    Been there, done that!


  • Jez

    I am incredibly stubborn and rarely do I follow anyone.

  • diamondblue1974

    No...i am open minded and will listen to anyones views providing they can back them up with clear reasoning; as far as being influenced is concerned i am much more inclined to form my own opinions about issues....i spent all my childhood without the benefit of critical analysis and the ability to think that ive broken free from all that i am not going to allow ANYONE to influence me...other than myself.

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