Who do you want to see again if the "earth be restored to a paradise?"
by sun_dae 19 Replies latest jw friends
Whether the earth is restored to a paradise or not, I want to see my lost loved ones again. Then of course there are many famed ones who've passed over that I'd like to meet.
My grand father who died 4 years ago. Am I wierd to still believe in all that "paradise" stuff? I just can't help but believe it still, it's the only thing I ever knew. Does anyone else still believe in "paradise"?
O, and I want to meet "Elvis", hehe
same here, my loved ones, the grandmother i never knew etc. I do believe that the paradise will happen but I don't know how. Maybe its a heavenly paradise and not of this earth. Maybe a different dimension. WHO knows? If and when I get there, I'll find out. I try not to get hung up on the details because no one knows how it will all go down. What's the point of speculating it? I guess i feel that way because growing up as a witness, their interpretation of it always freaked me out. Kinda orwellian i guess. I thought we would all be like zombies with no free will leading endless boring lives, in the country. Yuck. So i have given up on thinking about paradise per say. I'd rather think about enjoying the life i have now.
I'd like to see all the old famous people like Isaac Newton, Ben Franklin, Galileo, and such, but then again not sure if they'd be there (specially that rascal Franklin) and if they were it could be like celebrities today--you'd probably get an autograph at best. But really, I think that I just have no idea about what will really matter to me at that point. I think all the scriptures are ambiguous enough about eternity that one cannot be faulted for not even beginning to imagine the way things are to be. It's those who speculate dogmatically about all the fine details, and based on thier puny human imagination (and inflated ego) that I find like to sell their version of paradise as a reward to those who do their bidding.
Whether the earth is restored to a paradise or not, I want to see my lost loved ones again
Ditto for me......personally, I don't care if paradise will be found here on earth or in the hereafter......as long as I get to see those that have gone before their time, that's all I want.
I'd like to see my grandmother again. I have no idea how that will ever happen. I guess all relgions believe in an afterlife.. hopefully I can make it in to one of them even though I have no faith because I see no evidence.
I'd love to chat with Mark Twain, Noah, Moses, Jesus and Satan all at the same time over cocktails
Then write a book about it!
I believe in reincarnation and soul attraction. So I believe I will probably see many well loved ones again, and again, as necessary.
However, I do hope for judgement day: I wanna have a discussion with Jehover and Jesus about some serious female and male design issues! Like why can't I pee standing up without it running down my legs? What's this 4-day mensus crap? And menopause? Gimme a break!
I believe in Paradise on Earth today! Why wait? I try to live my life as if where I live and everyone I come in contact with are special.
Now if that is difficult to do, you can always move to Paradise. Hawaii qualifies. And for me, the Pacific coast of Mexico qualifies, also. I'm sure there are other paradises here on this planet, I just haven't had the opportunity to visit them yet.