hello and welcome to JWD. Friend I find this to be quite bizzare. Your mate Pete says he is a JW and acts somewhat like a witness should and he is leading a double life. I am in no postion to tell you what to do. Put I feel that there is going to be tragedy here.
At some point and time the body of elders will find out about his double life and eventually he will be disfellowhipped. I can't understand why he is going to such great lengths to decieve you and his family.
Your life style is your own business, but if you have been attending meetings and conventions then you must realiize how JWs are towards the practise of same sex marriages. That is what is puzzeling me.
I feel deep down you are going to be hurt in the long run by Pete. He can't pretend forever without others becoming suspicious.
I am not trying to hurt you, but yes you are caught in a trap. And before things get worse I would say cut your loses now.
This is of course only my opinion. the most important things is this "to thine ownself be true".
Wishing you the very best