What Did You Typically Donate To The Hall & Society?

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I figured that by using my car, buying gas, suits and books, they cost me a bundle.....So I didn't give them too much additional money.

    10$ a month is all the Watchtower got from me.

    I prefered helping and giving some money to brothers who were poor and had a hard time making ends meet.

    JH who helps the poor, not the rich class

  • minimus


  • confusedjw

    20 to 30 per month for several years. $5 per month when I was pioneering.

  • upside/down

    I was the accounts servant (free bookkeeper/accountant) and when I was in a small rural midwest hall only 3 bro's supported the entire finances of the congo.

    When in an affluent hall in SoCal the money flowed like cheap wine.

    I was about a $50.00 per month kinda guy till they pissed me off and then went to $0.

    Can I request that money back with interest?

    u/d (of the man was I a sucker class)

  • minimus

    When the organization loses HUNDREDS of dollars---that's a lot!

  • Elsewhere

    Once or twice a year I would put $10 into the box... if anything at all. Sometimes I would go years without making a donation.

  • Pole

    20-50 Polish zlotys a month

  • iiz2cool

    When I was account servant? of my last congregation I noticed most of the elders donated very little, and the PO never donated anything to the congregation. The ones who donated the most were the single moms and retired people.


  • Nosferatu

    I typically donated 5-8 hours a week to the WTS. I rarely put anything in the contribution box (if I ever put anything in at all, I can't remember).

  • freedom96

    In cash money, I estimate less than $20 total ever.

    Time, on the other hand, is priceless, and I spent a fortune in time, going to meetings, and service.

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