What's the worst Witness meeting of the week?

by inquirer 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NeonMadman

    I probably would have said the Watchtower Study too, for most of the years I was in. But toward the end there just got to be such a pattern of doing the same book in the Book Study 3 or 4 times over that I think that one took the crown. In fact, the Book Study was the first meeting I stopped going to. At least the Watchtower had more or less fresh material every week.

    On the same note, I used to hate their illustration about repeating material in the meetings: "Well, you repeat the same physical meals, don't you? You might have steak tonight and then have steak again next week, right? You don't reject steak just because you've eaten it before." My usual response was, "Yes, I might eat steak tonight and then steak again next week, but it won't be the same steak."

  • AlmostAtheist
    You don't reject steak just because you've eaten it before.

    "Yes, but I LIKE steak. On the other hand, my parents made me eat brussells sprouts, and now I reject the putrid, disgusting things."

    Granted, saying that to Elder Encouragement probably wouldn't have any positive effects...

  • FairMind

    For me it is the BS followed by the SM and then WTS.


  • blondie

    Service meeting

    It is the latest meeting of the week ending at 9:15 (assuming the brothers are on time) and ends a 2-hour stretch.

    It is the worst prepared meeting, many brothers forget they had a part and cobble together a part during the TMS. The WTS even has to prepare the questions now for the question and answer parts because the brothers did not prepare.

    It is essentially supposed to be a hoo-rah-rah meeting to "sell" the publications. Can't imagine Jesus have such a meeting yet they base it on the short meeting he had giving instructions to the 12 and then the 70.

    It is the meeting that DFings and DAings are announced at.

    It is the meeting where you are harangued that you aren't doing your "full share."


  • MungoBaobab

    Definitely the Service Meeting. I agree that the Ministry School is actually useful (to us guys, at least) in developing public speaking skills. It's also broken down into such short increments it's hard to get bored. Some people have "interesting" comments during the Watchtower Study, and by interesting I mean you can see just how messed up they are in the head. Public Talk, you can get a good speaker. Bookstudy kind of creeps me out. You get all the "interesting" opinions like the Watchtower Study but you have to look everyone in the eye.

    But the Service Meeting... Good Lord. So the Greatest Man book is now available in Urdu? So Brother Kiss-Ass got laid off again and is auxillary pioneering. So all I hae to do is stick to the lame script on the back of the KM and people will just gobble up every last magazine without question. The only remotely stimulating part is the local needs part, because it's not often you see a room full of JWs admonished for being the assholes you know they are!

  • new light
    new light

    For me it was the book study, especially the Isaiah books. People talk about the JWs listening to the same things over and over, but this study was almost literally the same every week. Hey, let's breakdown Isaiah verse by verse and apply half of it to 1919 Bible Students and apply the other half to seeing the whole world destroyed. Sound good? Oh, by the way, you'll be studying it in a poorly lit house without A/C in the middle of nowhere.

  • JH

    The only meeting I liked was the 45 minute public talk on Sundays.

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