Memories of my judicial committee meeting....

by kitties_and_horses_oh_my! 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    Just another example of distorted WT minds at work

  • unclebruce

    Interesting post Kittens&Horses,

    There is a tremendous amount of hatred toward Elders and ExBethelites amoungst ExJws and it's no wonder. Many ExElders excuse themselves with the saying "we were just "victims of victims" some of that is true but it is equally true that the position of Elder attracts men totally unsuited to oversee others. Callous unfeeling brutes without a shed of decency or understanding take the lead in almost every Kingdom Hall on earth. The society trains men to be so - even a cursory look at the Elders training manual shows this - some don't make it as goons but others are helped to develope a natural talent for dictatorship.

    I'm reminded of what one sister once confided in me. This woman was about 50. Her and her sons were for some years brutally beaten by her husband. The Elders wouldn't allow her to leave him because (in line with the Elder & Reasoning books) her husband "had not commited adultery".

    I had always told sisters whose husbands hit them to leave immediately no questions asked. This was a shock to Elizabeth Vale Cong and were refreshing/strange words to many sisters.

    Mauva, whose husband left her with deep emotional scars and a son with brain damage and a disabled right hand, approched me one day and, refering to the Elders of Elizabeth, said words burned into my heart:

    "They think I'm a hard women because they haven't seen me cry. I'll tell you this - I will never give them the satisfaction of seeing my tears - they will never see me cry"

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