Is 21,500 'publishers' the same as 21,500 memorial attenders? I guess we'll never know. Too bad. I only just realized that these figures aren't available on the WT CD-ROM. It says 'see publication'.
And I sincerely doubt that the Witnesses have anything near a loss rate of 1% of publishers in death. There aren't any wars, famine etc. inside the WT (whatever other faults I may find with them)and if the District Convention I just attended is any indicator, the average age of publishers is much younger than the norm . Congregations I have known of don't lose a Witness once in several years, and I'll betcha many of the ones they do lose are not active publishers possibly because of long illnesses. I think 1% is being overgenerous (is that the right word, LOL). Again, we'll never know.
And in addition to that, the number of baptized publishers total is taken at the end of the year, and the Memorial attendance figures are for one night only a few months later.
You brought up a good point, I think . At Memorial attendance, everybody and the kitchen sink is counted. Whereas a 'publisher' is a 'publisher'. In that case, I think the loss of active publishers may be quite higher than even those numbers take account of. On the other hand, those numbers could refer to the increase of smaller sized families. People are having fewer children, Winesses are having fewer children, and so are their children, and so are their converts, and so on and so on. (this could affect the ultimate numbers of both publishers and memorial attendees) On the other hand (tired hands!) I understand that now a 'publisher' is not just a baptized person, but an approved associate going out in field service. In other words maybe there were only 30,00 newly baptized ones, but there may have been say, 40,00 new publishers total. That should have been reflected in Memorial attendance figures.
Or maybe the annual observance of the Lord's Evening Meal just isn't the family event that it used to be. (I want my MTV...)
the constant DF'ing and DA'ing must take their toll on their numbers as well, I"m saddened to think.
Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!