The only change has been that since the Society joined the UN as an NGO they have dropped all reference to the UN being the IotWB/SCWB that will destroy BtG.
OOOPs looks like I tell a little fibber on this one. They didnt drop the reference. They did take the edge off for a few years by blaming it on the members of the UN. It seems like the Awayke! on the other hand gushes with love for the SCWB/IotWB/UN during those years, but those quotes are already a matter of record on this board.
*** w94 3/1 p. 20 Jehovah?s Controversy With the Nations ***
11 As foretold at Revelation 17:12-17, the time will come when Jehovah starts his strange act by putting it into the hearts of ?the ten horns??militarized members of the United Nations
*** w94 11/1 p. 17 Be Tenderly Compassionate ***
God will put it into the heart of members of the United Nations to desolate Christendom and all other forms of false religion.
*** w95 9/15 p. 13 Jealous for the Pure Worship of Jehovah ***
Soon Jehovah God will act by putting a drastic thought into the hearts of members of the United Nations. This will move these political powers to desolate Christendom and the rest of false religion
*** w96 6/1 p. 18 Flight to Safety Before the ?Great Tribulation? ***
At Revelation 17:16, it is foretold that a figurative scarlet-colored wild beast, which has proved to be the United Nations, will turn on harlotlike Babylon the Great and violently destroy her. Using graphic language, it says: ?The ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.?
*** w97 9/15 p. 19 Who Will Survive ?the Day of Jehovah?? ***
?The ten horns? depict the militarized political powers holding sway on earth. Though they now have a spiritually adulterous relationship with Babylon the Great, her time is short. This world?s political element will destroy false religion, and ?the wild beast??the United Nations?will have a principal role with ?the ten horns? in devastating her. What an occasion for praising Jehovah!?Revelation 19:1-6.
*** w01 11/15 p. 19 Jehovah Is Our Refuge ***
Whether our hope is heavenly or earthly, we are no part of the world, and we are not infected by such spiritually deadly plagues as its immorality, materialism, false religion, and worship of ?the wild beast? and its ?image,? the United Nations.