The reason Satan ran into his problems with the J-man is because he made a god of himself.
Hasn't the GB done the same thing by making themselves equal to God?
by kwintestal 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The reason Satan ran into his problems with the J-man is because he made a god of himself.
Hasn't the GB done the same thing by making themselves equal to God?
except they accept money. satan is happy with worship alone
Satan doesn't sit around all day drooling out of the side of his mouth, getting spoon-fed gruel twice a day. And Satan smells better.
Satan doesn't sit around all day drooling out of the side of his mouth, getting spoon-fed gruel twice a day. And Satan smells better
Pope man thanks for the good belly laugh. I havent laughed that hard since I first heard them called the goober body on this board.
I know I's'a easy to entertain.
Well I think Satan is just an archetype,,and the Governing Body are real people hurting real people.
The Governing Body keeps telling the JWs to look forword to the destruction of the world,,and keep giveing out our literature with the hinting and hinting for a donation at the doors. They have caused more deaths with their rules and enforced regulations(DF)Telling person who believe them when they say not to take blood transfussion or organtransplant or vacines. They cause many suicides by thier indoctrination when they use guilt all the time. So I say They are worse than Satan. Because they are real.
In my ex dub opinion the GB is Satan
Satan: "You positively will not die"
GB: "Millions now living will never die"
Satan let's you have fun!
The Governing Body is just like the God they worship Jehovah,,that one was a manslayer from the begining(he was thier war god) and would take a life for mere ego slights. The Governing Body continue to let people loose thier lives by not admitting they were wrong about enforcing through DF'ng a no blood transfussions allowed policy. They must not get a good nites sleep with all that bad karma floating around them I would think.