The society's new book 'Organized to do Jehovah's Will', to be released in the congregations
on the 20th of March, introduces a change in the DF and DA announcements. Now both
announcements will read the same: "[Name of person] is no longer one of Jehovah's
The book also redefines the notion of a disassociation to apply to an individual who"deliberately
repudiates his Christian standing, rejecting the congregation by his actions or by
stating that he no longer wants to be recognized as or known as one of Jehovah's
Witnesses" (p. 155).
This change (the old book made no reference to the person's actions), is in line with the
society's policy of DA-ing those who do not comply with its instructions regarding blood,
voting, joining the military, etc., while avoiding the potential legal problems of
disfellowshipping in such cases.
I believe the society will tighten its grip on the publishers even more. No changes in sight.