What are the WTS leaders planning?

by doinmypart 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • doinmypart

    What are the WTS' long term (5+ years) and short term (up to 2 years) plans?

    The leaders know the end isn't right around the corner despite what they tell the R&F. Otherwise they would not have built Patterson and purchased new presses.

    The leaders are faced with mounting problems: declining statistics in developed countries, the Internet, lawsuits, etc. They've got to be wondering how they can get out of the corner they've painted themselves into, without losing their grip on the R&F.

    Short term plans - keep the wheels from falling off
    Long term plans - continue to exist in some form or fashion

    So what do you think the GB, Legal Dept, Service Dept, et al discuss when they're in their Corporate planning meetings?


  • tenrats


  • Blueblades

    They have the old shell game in motion. Legal is handling it all now. No plans, just rehash. Two biggest problems are Blood, and Child Abuse issues.


  • jeanniebeanz

    It's funny. Back in 92 just before I got the boot, my main complaint at the time was that they had such a legalistic approach to all matters scriptural. It occured to me at the time that they would eventually cease to be a religion and become a law firm...

    Funny how things turn out...


  • frankiespeakin
    What are the WTS leaders planning?

    I would guess where to hide the money? And who gets what?

  • GetBusyLiving

    Those guys will always be around.. hehe its just something we have to grin and bare.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    picture the WTS becoming bankrupt. picture MOST, if not HALF of jw's still preaching without mags. picture them vocally establishing the great tribulation because of the situation. picture them never ever knowing the full story and perpetually creating urban myths surrounding their ignorance. I CAN PICTURE IT


  • IP_SEC
    You could have fooled me. The last thing I was preached (less than a month ago) was that we are now in the "Last Hour" and that now is the time to brace for Armageddon again...

    What they know and what they say are two different things.

    picture MOST, if not HALF of jw's still preaching without mags. picture them vocally establishing the great tribulation because of the situation.

    Not our congo, we're so sick of the preaching whorek that even the brothers responsible for enkorahging the group to do it dont even have the zeal to spend more that 4 or 5 (yes they report more than that) hours a month in the ministry. The ministry is more of a mini strike here and it wouldnt take much to scatter the masses.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    I thought that all those being resurrected recreated would have to be preached to and do all the book studies etc.,

    Won't all the buildings that hold JW things be untouched? Like Beth Sarim. (house of Princes?) and BethEL (house of EL - A god of the OT) lol

    so purchasing new facilities & presses be a good idea before all the people that manufacture this stuff are annihiliated?

    just curious, wp

  • diamondblue1974

    They have always acknowledged their ("alleged") successes by suggesting that Jehovahs spirit is with them however if they were to become bankrupt i would bet they would blame it on the persecution...we shall wait and see no doubt.

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