If shunning was stopped?????

by chuckyy 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • chuckyy

    If shunning was stopped as a result of society policy change, do you think that there would be a significant exodus out of the organization????


  • frenchbabyface

    Yes because it's very effective tool for hight control cults make sure that their followers won't hear too much about their bullshit that others discovered ...

  • LittleToe

    Good question. It might change the atmosphere some, though it would take a while for the paradigm shift to kick in.

    Ironically, this single point might stop me calling them a cult.
    I would still hold that they had some pretty wacked out ideas, complete with a level of indoctrination, however I'm not so sure I could still call them a cult if that level of control were removed.

  • squinks

    Great Question! Can you imagine the hurt and anger? For those that have been shunning loved ones to find out that the practice is old light? Families are dynamic, always changing, births, deaths and all those little moments that make a life, all missed because of shunning. The outrage would drive them out in droves!

    I would be furious myself. It would remind me of how cruel and senseless the practice is and force me to relive the pain and long for all the moments I missed with my sister and my niece and nephews.

    But I would have a hard time welcoming old friends back into my life. Even if old dear friends that I have missed over the years came to me in the wake of a shunning recall, how would I ever get back the level of trust it takes to make a deep friendship?

  • LittleToe

    Imagine the risk of it being reversed, too.
    Old-timers would likely bide their time, to see if this happened.

    Pipe-dreams. It aint gonna happen!

  • TheEdge
    do you think that there would be a significant exodus out of the organization????

    Definitely - think of all the ''JWs'' who remain in order to keep their families OR who have worked hard to be reinstated JUST to be able to be accepted by their families....

    On the other hand - if shunning was to stopped, think of all the disgruntled ''better than thou'' JWs who would have one little hobby taken away....lol

  • IP_SEC

    I'd be gone yesterday if shunning were stopped.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Yes, yes, yes!!! I'd be among the first.


  • Dustin

    I think you would see about 1/4 to 1/2 of the ranks gone. It would be amazing to see just how many hang on, because of friends and relatives.


  • confusedjw

    Remember H. Ross Periot and the "great sucking sound of jobs going to Mexico" if NAFDA were passes?

    This would be the Greatest Sucking Sound ever heard as people faded into the sunset.

    The "really righteous hardliners" would keep shunning anyway.

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