Ezekiel 3, You missed what I believe our some important paragraphs from that WT article (WT 9/15/1981): 14 But what if a close relative, such as a son or a parent who does not live in the home, is disfellowshiped and subsequently wants to move back there? The family could decide what to do depending on the situation. 15 For example, a disfellowshiped parent may be sick or no longer able to care for himself financially or physically. The Christian children have a Scriptural and moral obligation to assist. (1 Tim. 5:8) Perhaps it seems necessary to bring the parent into the home, temporarily or permanently. Or it may appear advisable to arrange for care where there is medical personnel but where the parent would have to be visited. What is done may depend on factors such as the parent's true needs, his attitude and the regard the head of the household has for the spiritual welfare of the household. 16 This could be true also with regard to a child who had left home but is now disfellowshiped or disassociated. Sometimes Christian parents have accepted back into the home for a time a disfellowshiped child who has become physically or emotionally ill. But in each case the parents can weigh the individual circumstances. Has a disfellowshiped son lived on his own, and is he now unable to do so? Or does he want to move back primarily because it would be an easier life? What about his morals and attitude? Will he bring "leaven" into the home?-Gal. 5:9. 17 In Jesus' parable of the prodigal son, the father ran to meet and then accepted his returning son. The father, seeing the lad's pitiful condition, responded with natural parental concern. We can note, though, that the son did not bring home harlots or come with a disposition to continue his sinful life in his father's home. No, he expressed heartfelt repentance and evidently was determined to return to living a clean life.-Luke 15:11-32. Article focusing on Prodigal Son: WT 5/1/82: Have I Gone Too Far? "Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy of being called your son," is how the prodigal felt after he "came to his senses." Others have felt the same way-unworthy of being called one of God's family.-Luke 15:17-19. "You realize that you have knowingly turned your back on Jehovah. This guilt gave me a sick feeling," admitted Virginia. "When I started becoming active again, I had a real battle starting to pray again. I kept thinking, 'What does Jehovah want with me, since I turned my back on him.'" Others have felt that they committed the "unforgivable sin." Did the father, who knew that his son's sins were great, view them as unforgivable? Was he cold and indifferent when the boy reappeared? Not at all! He had been looking for his son. "While he was yet a long way off, his father caught sight of him," according to Jesus. (Luke 15:20) Neighbors may only have seen the rags, the dirt, the bare feet, but the father saw "him." He knew what a long way the son had come. It was obvious he had left his "debauched life" and was truly repentant.-Proverbs 28:13. The father ran to embrace his son. The most the son had hoped for was to become a 'hired man,' someone really not a member of the household and in some respects worse off than a slave. Never could he have imagined his father's response: "Quick! Bring out a robe, the best one, and clothe him with it, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. And bring the fattened young bull, slaughter it and let us eat and enjoy ourselves." How wonderfully Jesus illustrated the wholehearted response of the father!-Luke 15:22, 23. The father knew that the prodigal had already paid a dear price-the emotional scars of "living a debauched life" and losing all his money, the agony of being friendless and without food and shelter during a famine, the shame of eating with pigs, and finally, the long journey home. So, too, Jehovah realizes that one truly suffers while "lost" and that it is not easy to return. Yet our compassionate heavenly Father, who is "abundant in loving-kindness," 'will not for all time keep finding fault nor according to our errors bring upon us what we deserve' if we are genuinely repentant and "set matters straight" with him. Some who have committed even gross sins while separated from the Christian congregation, but who return in true repentance, confessing their sins before the elders, may expect loving, considerate treatment leading on to full recovery.-Psalm 103:8-10; 130:3; Isaiah 1:18, 19. True, the Bible speaks of some unfaithful Christians whose sins are not forgiven. However, Paul shows that these are "in opposition" to the Truth and contemptuously trample on the ransom sacrifice by esteeming it as of ordinary value. (Hebrews 10:26-31) But have you ever taken such an extreme step? Your sincere consideration of this material, rather than having contempt for it, indicates that you still have some love for spiritual things. The fact that you feel guilty and disturbed at heart shows that you have not gone too far. Be assured that Jehovah will answer your prayerful request just as he answered that of David, who pleaded: "Forgive my error, for it is considerable."-Psalm 25:11. Applying Godly Principles - WT 1/1/95 Even at the time of disfellowshipping an individual, the elders, as shepherds, will urge him to repent and try to make his way back into Jehovah's favor. Remember the "wicked man" in Corinth. Evidently he changed his way, and Paul later recommended his reinstatement. (2 Corinthians 2:7, 8) Consider also King Manasseh. He was very wicked indeed, but when he finally repented, Jehovah accepted his repentance.-2 Kings 21:10-16; 2 Chronicles 33:9, 13, 19. When one is disfellowshipped from the congregation, whether it is a relative or friend in the congregation, that causes a lot of pain to the members of the congregation, including the elders. They truly feel saddened that one was disfellowship due to not repenting. They feel pain because they still love the person who has left, but hate the wrong conduct that he or she is practicing. But as Christiasn we must follow the biblical course as mentioned in 1 Cor. 5:5-9. But what joy it brings to the congregation when one repents and comes back to true Christianity, just like the joy the father felt from the prodigal son parable, when his son returned and repented!!!