Is Walmart right or wrong?

by JH 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I don't care in this case. I do not like Wal-Mart, and I hate unions. So, either way, it just don't matter.

  • Dustin

    I haven't shopped at Wal-Mart in years. They are the real Devil. They remind me of the Kingdom Hall, always trying to tell people what to do, and then screwing them in the end. I wish everyone would stop shopping at Wal-Mart, and do business with local vendors instead. Run those stupid bastards right out of business. I'd just feel bad for the employees who lost their jobs, but I guess that's what unemployment is for.


  • orangefatcat

    JH my best friend works for WalMart in Barrie Ontario. She enjoys her job and finds the company is fair. She recently was ill with "polymyalgia Rhematica" and wasn't able to do the work she was assigned to do. So the company gave her light duties and she still is on light duties and she appreciates the treatment she get.

    I am pro union. I use to be employed in a Nursing Home and they were unionized and if anything ever went wrong we would go to our union rep and things were settled without the lose of my job. Like any place of employment it has its good points and bad and some have pure power control. So in that instance I beleive a union is helpful.

    its just my opinon though

    Love Orangefatcat

    PS> where in Quebec do you live JH, maybe I know you. I had two sisters that once pioneered in Quebec, one in Limolou and Ste Foy. both have since moved, but I thought maybe you might have known them or me.

  • jeanniebeanz
    Seriously, pre-union economy was a sweatshop with nothing but grunts working long hours.

    SheepMan :)

    I think that when companies try to monopolize the market and then raise prices *or treat their people badly*, they are behaving in a way that will result in their own downfall. I do not think people would ever go back to the sweatshop model. K-Mart tried that crap and it backfired on them bigtime. They are now reorganizing and barely surviving. Customer service went all to h*ll and people quit shopping there, me included.

    I hate when companies treat their employees badly. But if Walmart starts losing the ability to employ good people because people won't put up with them, that's free market choice too.

    When people have had enough, they'll vote with their feet and walk. More and more people just don't shop there because of the issues; I don't. I just don't like when governments get involved. If employees want to unionize, that's one thing, but to have the government tell a company when they can and can't close a store, that's when I get irritated...

    Okay, maybe I need one of those cold showers too...


  • whyamihere

    Dustin....Should I stop shopping at Walmart????LOL

    I admit I shop there. I used to think all white trash shopped there and I would never go so low to do it. Then I had kids and things were so different they were open at all hours and I got Walmart fever!(God I need help) I shall go to Target more often now with this story.

    Damn there goes those smiling low slashing prices.....Wow yeah I will be going to Target now after saying that!


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Its all to do with Union busting. They are setting an example out of that one store that if you try and unionize, 
    this is what you will get. I hate Walmart and all it stands for. Its nothing to do with losing profits as I was 
    looking at the top ten riches people in the world and 4 or 5 were Walmart family members. Its all to do with greed. 
  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Gee... William Penwell.. FINALLY, something we totally agree on. WAL*MART SUCKS !

  • Grog

    I have to agree with Will on this one

    from there you can see that it isn't a matter of walmart making money they just do fine.

    The problem is that if it unionizes and it works out then its more money for all the employees at the million other walmarts and less money for the execs.


  • mkr32208

    Walmart (and companies like it) are cancers on the economy of the world they have a vested interest in keeping 2/3 or the world poor to make cheap shit for the other 1/3... Of course that means that all manufacturing jobs have to be sent to the poor 2/3 which means that companies must outsource jobs at a greater and greater rate to be able to purchase the cheap shit produced by that 2/3 then most of the 1/3 becomes poorer and poorer so they can't afford to buy anything from the 2/3 so then everyone is poor and the world is back in the 1920-30's thats why there is a huge global depression every 50-75 years or so this is an endless idiotic cycle...

    The real downside is that I think they learned after the last big depression how to get out start a world wide war and kill off 1/3-1/2 of the labor pool... Pulls the world right out... I'm really afraid of where the planet is heading in the next quarter of a century!

  • el jarocho mayor
    el jarocho mayor

    Its not Wal Mart..............its Wal M I E R D A...........nuff said

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