What's your opinion???
Are Those Of Us That Do Not Preach or Attend Meetings Still JWs???
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
The act which defines a JW is the reporting of time. If you put in a report, you're a JW.
JWs think "Jehovah's Witness" is a verb, not a noun. 'nuf said.
Like an elder told me in french...."Un témoin, ça temoigne"
In english it means, " A Witness preaches", meaning a witness must talk about the Kingdom.
His reasoning was, that if you don't talk about the kingdom door to door, you aren't a JW...
It's an action, I agree.
If you are sexually active, you are sexually active, if you're not, you're not. You can't hold the title of something that requires action if you are not active.
I was told in my study: "You can't call yourself a jw if you don't go out in the ministry. If you're not in field service, you are NOT a jw."
I like that:jw a verb, not a noun...perfect.
His reasoning was, that if you don't talk about the kingdom door to door, you aren't a JW...
Hmmmm, there must be very few real JWs then. Most of the ones I knew just tried to place magazines, and very rarely said anything about the "kingdom".
I always talked about evreything but the WT Kingdom. I never was a strong JW so I figured football, fishing,
sellingplacing literature is all the same. It's amazing how many hours can be racked up talking sports. -
Good question. I think the underlying question (as I infer it) is: when a "Publisher"(tm) becomes "Inactive"(tm) how quickly are they removed from the "count"(tm)????
Based on some posts here, where elders have insisted on "putting down an hour for the month, you must have spoken with somebody" it seems that the system is set up to prevent the loss of headcount due to inactivity.
In plain english: their membership numbers are full of Poo-Poo.
~Quotes. -
I would think that those who go to meetings regularly, and / or go out in service, routinely read the magazines and books, and / or profess to believe most of the doctines could be lumped into a general JW standing.
Of course there are those, some of them here, who go to meetings, but know it isn't the truth. So there are exceptions.