My first year nursing my oldest was spent in the only stall on the toilet of ladies room, in our small Kingdom Hall. Ironically the only thing between the main hall and washroom was that tacky paneling from the 60's, didn?t make for good sound proofing. If your baby was older then 3 mths, it hung half way into the wash basin when placed on the change table. If you changed your baby you also blocked the doorway. It was lovely! I once got literally stuck holding my oldest on the potty while pregnant! It was that small.
Circuit Assemblies were chairs lined up along the furthest walls of the ladies room, with speaker echoing, doors slamming, toilets flushing and kids screaming. It was sweltering winter and summer. For my third we built a new hall and things were much better!
District Assemblies were refurbished mens rooms with chairs backing up onto the urinals, which were papered off for hygiene?! Babies tended to rip them to shreds by the end of the first day. Many women used these "Mother?s Room" for personal ummm emergency use as the line ups for the ladies room were often to long. Made for a nice quiet place. This was a vast improvement over my first assembly with my oldest, where we sat under the hot sun for 4 days and nursed in a dark dusty curtained off portion of the race track! In the heat! No strollers!
God what was I thinking! I won?t even go into the husband who thought 1 month old babies ate only during breaks, mom could pump at whim (in bathroom stall), babies never should cry during the meetings (it?s my fault baby won?t take a bottle), and oh yes "the men?s room don?t have any place to change babies (ever!)...why are you so grumpy."