Elder said I could Lie

by Es 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • kwintestal

    Hi Es.

    It's funny, as a teen in a JC the elders were telling me NOT to lie. I just chose to. ; )

    I wouldn't give thier kangaroo court the pleasure! Good Luck!


  • Es

    The thing is that a week before me ex sent his letter I sent my D/A letter, but its totally been dismissed.

    But the tone in this elders voice was more of a "lie to us we dont care we just dont want you to leave, kinda tone if you get me. They know I am seeing a non believer and planning to get married if they think ive stayed completely chaste then they must be naive.

  • Wolfgirl

    I wouldn't give them the pleasure. Just avoid meeting with them. It's none of their business anyway. :)

  • Scully

    Didn't you know that lying is one of their core doctrines?

  • jgnat

    Why entangle yourself in their affairs? Do you risk losing contact with family and friends if you don't go? If not, blow him off. Tell him you have a hair appointment that day.

  • Amazing1914

    An elder once told me that I can believe anything I want to in this organization as long as I keep my trap shut. In a sense, he was endorsing a type of lying to ourselves. This is not an uncommon trait among the JWs anymore. They don't have the truth to live for. Jim W.

  • TheEdge
    I suppose it depends on the tone

    Yep - I suppose I just thought that (naively maybe) the elder would take her word, as he cannot prove otherwise - therefore truth or lie would have to be accepted the same way.

  • Amazing1914


    Here is what is going on. The elder who said you could lie is not interested in helping you protect yourself. He is interested in one thing only, getting you to agree to be at a judicial hearing. By planting the idea that you could lie is to entice you to show up. Then, if you do lie (in his opinion) he will confront you with the letter your husband wrote as proff of your lie. The elders will have grounds to DF you whether they have proof of any other sin. They will have the lie.

    So, if you agree to go to the judicial meeting, nbe prepared to get disfellowshipped. They have made their minds up already. Unless, of course, you tell it all like it is, beg for mercy, and promise to return to the meetings. That might spare you beings disfellowshipped, but even that is no guarantee. - Jim W.

  • Scully

    I think it's kind of odd that they'd want her to show up for a meeting with a Judicial Committee?, when she has already sent them a letter to DA herself.

  • Gretchen956

    I'm with Skully. You have already sent in the letter to DA yourself, you have no obligations of any kind to meet with them. What is this, the you can't quit you're fired ploy? Absolutely not. If you meet with them you are giving THEM the power over YOU. Girl tell them to go blow.

    (btw, WELCOME to the board!)


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