by frenchbabyface 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • frenchbabyface


    Ok ? wanted to poste this topic a few days ago but waited a bit ? I?ve talked with a new friend and it was a very interesting subject to get in and I feel like to go further on it with all of you, about something different from our bases cultures that might lead to analyse every kind of relationships actually :

    What if we didn't have a culture that make us think that we have to find someone or marry with someone to share our lives with ... (as for an example of kind of relationship)

    Maybe it's important to us because we have been raised to feel the need I think (as to reach NORMALITY) (??? !!!!). So actually to find the why's and why not we would maybe be better to just be free from any kind of bound, describes what's your expectations about the other one(s) and why you think only one (or one at the time) can get you what you want. - It goes from every kind of love and attention (but NOT related to kids of course) In knowing that naturally a mother/father and any community can take care of kids (when a bad mother/father might F*them up)

    My point of view is that we are not bound to this rule that we could make it alone and just have relationship when actually our heart is honestly moved by real feeling for the other one (and of course different kind of love for the same person at the same time or not) ... that it is only a question of reliability (their engagements with you leaded by heart and not physically or simple lust or ?to be with? or ?being a friend of? when they are in good standing for instance or also ?insecurity feeling that lead to need to posess the other one) in our relationship with others (anyone to everyone) so as you speak English better than I do maybe you can elaborate on my point of view (excuse me I'm getting lazy ... I feel like I could talk hours on the subject and actually with my English it might take centuries just to make a point).

    This is a deep subject we can go far on this - there might be repetitions but the details might be very important to make a difference. Actually maybe this topic and the answers should by divided by personality type (or at least resumed by personality type) your choice !

  • czarofmischief

    I think that pair-bonding is pretty much encoded in our DNA.

    From the title of the thread I thought you were positing a whole new social structure that would have the California Highway Patrol as it's foundation! How exciting, the power of Panch compel you!



  • frenchbabyface
    think that pair-bonding is pretty much encoded in our DNA.

    Ok CZAR

    so we have an answer as

    1) it's a born with need ... (DNA)

  • frenchbabyface

    well I think it's a bit hard to get into this subject that way ... but the thing is that to get somewhere, we need to talk about it honestly ... It also means that our point of view can change along the way from what somebody says ... means that you can change your mind and eventually elaborate from that to go further on it ...

  • frenchbabyface

    Uh ??? ok it's sounds to be a to large subject maybe ...

    I got stuck on TV

    For the Frenchy and arround :

    ON the Chanel PLANET : HIGH CONTROL CULTS SUBJECT (all the afternoon and probably all the week) JW's are include but it's for later and it's an item from 1998 (I think I've seen it already - they don't even talking about the shunning systeme if I do remember it's a very light item ) ...

    At the moment : THE AMISH !

  • hillary_step


    I believe most of the psychobabble we are fed is based on the fact that there is a "higher power" out here on earth, (I am not talking aboout some sort of god), but rather it is the collective "knowledge" of the true "elders" of society known as the Freemasons who run everything including the CIA. You see, we only feel obligated because we allow ourselves to be controlled. (Not me of course, as I have done away with stupid human factors such as desire, want, need, etc) and have basically become a pot-smoking Ghandi.

    If we are playing spot the dichotony in the above paragraph, I want the prize. You claim freedom from all entrapments of human mental slavery and then admit to being entrapped by a ridiculous conspiracy theory.

    Unless of course you have a sense of humor.


  • frenchbabyface

    Barney ... you are definitetly funny ... your avatar talked by itself to !!!
    you made sense though !!!

    It's all about the problem of the need of attachement (somehow materialisme) and I might add the need of recognition (Elitisme) = it can lead very far ... good way / bad way

    More you are detached (no need of materialisme and need of recognition) more you release yourself (it's the base of what most of religion do teach actually it make sense)

    I didn't think we would go into this subject that way ... interesting !

  • frenchbabyface

    And by allowing me, everyone else is allowing themselves. The minute any one of us stops the progress of another person in their daily affairs, they have just insulted free will.
    Barney you nailed it !!! right on !!!
  • frenchbabyface

    Likewise, Frenchbabyface, I apologize for overunning your topic, whatever it was, with my rantings. It is pretty hot down here in Florida right now... How's about you coming down here and we go to the beach and skinny dip? The weather must be terrible in France right now... it is 71 degrees out here on my balcony. The waves are kicking up pretty good too...and my Jacuzzi is warming up nicely. I also have a Ferrari. I don't want to get married though... :smile:

    Barney do not apologize ... your postes were suppa extra !!!

    Now about coming over there ... if only I could ...

  • LittleToe

    Whenever we allow ourselves to become "attached" to something/someone we give over some of our rights and allow that which we desire to enslave us (ref "The Way to Love - Anthony de Millo").

    But what has this got to do with foodstuffs?


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