My husband and I asked to be DA'd 18 years ago and counting, never looked back and our life and our kids lives are so much better for it.It sounds scary(being DA'd) when you are in but once you are out, it just all sounds silly :)
I am DA'ed
by meat pie 14 Replies latest jw friends
I dont play by their rules either and though i would be da'd. Who knows maybe i am now cuz my last confrontation with them, I sent them packing on the doorstep. They kept asking what made me feel that way as if they were looking for a reason to possibly officially da me from the org. Are they really going after the inactive now? Maybe they are trying to clean up loose ends in the territory and on their paper work, I havnt figured out their motives yet since they never kept their appointment to come back. haha I woulda told them to get bent anyway, I dont play their game anymore and now that i know how they internally work, i find it easy to get around them. Lmao Its kinda an amusing game really.
My lovely wife and me have had let them knowe the same. YESSS WE ARE OUT and happy now, sometomes not, like every body else I think.
well, there you go, Meatpie.
Turning a lovely situation into a more lovely one. Good for you.
Is meat pie still around?
How are you doing?