Books to give away!!!!! Free

by mouthy 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • RescueMe

    I would love to have anything you are willing to send me. I'm very interested. I don't want to sound greedy or anything, so whatever anyone else doesn't want, I will gladly take.

  • marsal


    I would like "Learn from the Great Teacher" if it is still available. I'm curious to see what the WTBTS writes about Jesus. I must have been DF'd before that book came out.

    I live in California. I will send you a PM with my address.


  • Honesty

    What a fine example of sharing and showing appreciation for the spiritual poison food provided by the evil FDS.

  • BrendaCloutier

    What? No "Truth" book? Wouldn't want it anyway ;)

  • MegaDude

    I always thought the dolt who named this book made a Freudian slip. We joked at the assembly we'd refer to this book in shorthand as the Climax book. LOL.

    Revelation. Grand Climax at Hand

  • IP_SEC

    HHahhahhahahHhhah ahhh yes sophmoric humor, I'm such a sucker for that.

  • ballistic

    Yeah... I suppose it would be a "revelation" if someone told you they had a "grand climax at HAND"

  • mouthy

    IP_sec Sorry that went to Orangefat. before you asked...

  • mouthy

    Marsal ! In Monday mail..

  • HappyDad

    Kisses hehe frenchbabyface.............

    Send them to HappyDad ... he will sold them on E-bay ... or sell them on E-bay ... and then send gifts to yours's amazing that people are actually buying these books. I can understand that some collectors want them even if they are not JW's or if they are XJW's and want to show someone in their new life how they were programed years ago.

    I thought that there were no more books in my house since I gave most of everything I had to Goodwill about 6-7 months ago, but I just found another box of books last week in a closet with my name and my late wife's name in them.

    Right now I don't have the time to list them all, but if there is a particular book anyone is looking for, PM me and I'll get back to you whether or not I have it and I will send it to you for free. The only books that are bringing $$$$ on ebay are usually the early WT pubs. Just the other day I got $317.00 for an early 1900's IBSA book and two weeks ago got $169.50 for Faith On The March.


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